Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 52.djvu/1653

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INDEX Interior, Department of the-Continued. Page Appropriation for-Continued. General Land Office-Continued. Oklahoma, payment to, from oil and gas royalties---------- _ 297 Oregon and California grant lands, payment to certain counties in Oregon in lieu of taxes -------- 1129 Range improvements on public lands outside of grazing dis- tricts ---------------------- 1129 Revested Oregon and California Railroad and reconveyed Coos Bay Wagon Road grant lands, Oregon, management, etc------------------------ 297 States, payments to, from proceeds of sales of public lands -------- 297 Geological Survey----------------- 324 George Rogers Clark Sesquicenten- nial Commission ------------- 1128 Government in the Territories -- - 338, 1135 Alaska-------------------- 338, 1135 Equatorial and South Sea Islands_ 340, 1135 Hawaii ------------------------ 339 Puerto Rican Hurricane Relief --- 340 Virgin Islands------------- 339, 1135 Grazing, Division of--------------- 292 Housing Authority, United States--- 1128 Howard University---------------- 342 Indian Affairs, Bureau of ------ 297, 1130 Annuities and per capita payments 318 Construction and repair-------- 316 Education --------------------- 308 General support and administra- tion---------------------- 313 Health, conservation of ------- 311 Indian lands---------- -- --- -- 299 Industrial assistance and advance- ment ----------------- 301, 1130 Irrigation and drainage - --. 304, 1131 Roads and bridges--------- - 316, 1133 Water supply, development of __ 303 Investigations, Division of ---------- 292 Judgments ---------- 95, 1155, 1156 Mines, Bureau of --------- -- 327, 1133 Boulder City, Nev., purchase of building for use as laboratory_ 1134 Helium production, etc ----------- 329 Properties, acquisition of------- 1133 Investigations, etc-------------- 327 University of Utah, erection, etc., of experiment station adjacent to------------------------- Mount Rushmore National Memorial 1133 Commission -------------- 294, 1128 National Bituminous Coal Commis- sion--------------------- 294, 1128 tCJLUm, . - -o- tlJnJnl 9-295 1617 Interior, Department of the-Continued. Page Appropriation for-Continued. National Park Service------- 88 , 330 , 1134 Forest fire prevention, etc --- 333, 1134 Historic sites and buildings ------ 335 Monuments, administration, etc__ 333 Roads and trails ------------ 334, 1134 Water rights, investigation and pur- chase of-------------------- 335 Petroleum Conservation Division__ 293 Printing and binding ----- _---- 294, 1127 Reclamation, Bureau of -------- 318, 1133 Saint Elizabeths Hospital ------ 340, 1136 Secretary, Office of ------------ 291, 1127 Solicitor, Office of----------------- 292 Territories and Island Possessions, Division of----------- 292, 340, 1135 Territories, government in ------ 338, 1135 Aerial photographs for mapping proj- ects by War and Navy Depart- ments ------ _

--- 326 Agricultural College of New Mexico, sale of certain lands to Regents of, authorized-- ------------------ 29 Alaska- Mining rules and regulations ----- __ New appointees, etc., traveling ex- penses-------------------- Timber on public lands, use by churches, etc., permitted------- Withdrawal of lands for schools, hos- pitals, etc., authorized -- _- -. ... Arch Hurley Conservancy District, N. Mex., construction of Federal rec- lamation project for irrigation of lands of, authorized; requirements_ Appropriation for construction ------- Bismarck Indian School, conveyance of land and improvements to State of North Dakota for lands, etc., in exchange; appraisal -----------. _ Cape Henry Memorial site, Fort Story, Va., transfer to, authorized ------. Colorado-Big Thompson project, ex- cess-land provisions inapplicable to lands receiving supplemental water supply from -------------- Fort Hall Indian irrigation project, paymentsfor damages ---------- Fort Peck project, Mont.- Acquisition of property, etc - .. _-_- Annual report to Congress on trans- mission and sale of electric energy George Rogers Clark Sesquicentennial Commission, funds continued avail- able; date of termination---. -- -- Grazing districts, leasing of State, etc., lands within boundaries of, au- thorized ---------.------------- 588 318 699 593 211 1133 1173 696 764 1363 404 406 1128 1033 WLvInULUJl V Vuo---------------- ---