Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 52.djvu/1640

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1604 Freight Rates, farm products, adjust- ments; action by Secretary of Agri- culture ----------- _---------- Fresno, Calif., official residence for addi- tional judge, California southern judicial district--. - __-- ----- ----- Friedlander, Isaac, issuance of immigra- tion visa authorized------------- Friedlander, Sam (Mr. and Mrs.), pay- ment to----------------------- Fruit Fly. See Mediterranean Fruit Fly. Fruitlands Irrigation Project, N. Mex., appropriation for construction, etc-- Frye, E. D ., payment to-- ------------ Fuller, John M., payment to------------ Fund for Payment of Government Losses in Shipment, appropriation for ----- Fur Farm Experiment Station, conveyance to University of Alaska of site for__ - Fur-Resources Investigations, appropria- tion for --- _------------------- Furs, termination of tax on ------------ INDEX Page 36 585 1432 1328 306, 1131 1341 1293 124 379 734 568 G Gadsden Treaty, Mexico, termination of Article VIII ------------------ Gaffney, Thomas, payment to estate of - Gaging Streams, appropriation for------- Gaines, Henry U., Jr., payment to guard- ian of--------------------------- Gaithersburg, Md., appropriation for lati- tude observatory---------------- Gallatin, Albert, appropriation for prepa- ration of site, etc., for statue of------ Gallery of Art. See Smithsonian Gallery of Art, D. C. Galveston, Tex.: Appropriation for hydrographic office expenses _- -------

--- - Harbor, completion of sea wall protec- tion project authorized -------- Site transferred to Secretary of the Treasury for quarantine station__- Ganado Irrigation Project, Ariz., appro- priation for -------------------- Garner, John Nance, appropriation for procurement of portrait of--------- Garr, Harold, payment to ------------- Garretson, H. C ., Jr. (Lt.), payment to__ Garrett, Brown, adjustment of claim au- thorized------------------------ Garrison, N. Dak., time extended for bridging Missouri River at------- Gas See Natural Gas Act. Gasparilla Island, Fla., transfer of land to Department of Commerce --------- Gaven, Margaret D., payment to ----- Geller, Cora B., payment to, as executor - 1457 1337 325 1378 280 1153 246 196 109 304 1114 1265 1297 1266 764 247 1349 1318 Gem Irrigation District, Oreg., payment Page of charges deferred under Reclamation Moratorium Acts------------------ 703 General Accounting Office: Appropriation for------------------- 417 Audited claims-------------------- 96 Emergency Relief Appropriation Act of 1938, administrative expenses_ 810 Federal Crop Insurance Corporation, annual audit of financial transac- tions by----------------------- 76 Maritime Commission, audit of financial transactions ------------------- 954 General Disarmament Conference, funds continued available-------------- 1147 General Grant National Park, Calif., ap- propriation for administration, etc_- - 331 General Land Office, appropriation for- 295, 1129 General of the Armies of the United States, pay status clarified, service with American Battle Monuments Commission _---__-------- _----- 221 General Pulaski's Memorial Day, Presi- dent authorized to proclaim Oct. 11, 1938 as ----------- _--_---------- 610 General Staff Corps. See also War De- partment. Assignments in time of peace; service requirements _- ------- ------- -- 220 Composition --------------------- 610 Eligibility requirements, rescission of certain------------------------- 610 Genetics and Biophysics, appropriation for investigations ------------------ 724 Geodesy and Geophysics, International Union of: Appropriation for contribution------- 254 Invitation to hold Seventh General As- sembly in United States author- ized--------------------------- 409 Appropriation authorized ---------- 409 Geographical Union, International, appro- priation for contribution-----------_ 254 Geography and History, Pan American Institute of, appropriation for contri- bution ------- __ --- _---------____ 254 Geological Survey. See also Interior, De- partment of the. Aerial photographs, contracts with civilians for, authorized ------ __- 326 Cooperative work on scientific, etc., in- vestigations for Government agen- cies authorized ---------------- 326 Mining operations on Indian lands, transfer of sums for supervision of- 301 Transportation of effects of employees, use of funds authorized---------- 327 George, Preston Li, payment to -------- 1115 George Rogers Clark Sesquicentennial Commission, funds continued avail- able; date of termination-------- -- 1128