Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 52.djvu/1622

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1586 Deficiency Appropriation Act, Fiscal Year 1938, Second-Continued. Appropriation for-Continued. Agriculture, Department of-Contd. Forest Service ----------------- Secretary, Office of ------------- Architect of the Capitol, Office of_ -_ Census of partialemployment, unem- ployment, and occupations----- Chickamauga, Lookout Mountain, Chattanooga, and Missionary Ridge, Commission for the com- memoration of Battles of ------ Civil Service Commission----------- Commerce, Department of-------- Coast and Geodetic Survey------- Fisheries, Bureau of ------- _ --- Lighthouses, Bureau of----------- Marine Inspection and Navigation, Bureau of ----------------- Commodity Credit Corporation -- -- District of Columbia-----_ ___-- -- - Assessor's office -- _--_-_------_- Audited claims--------------_ -_ - Auditor's office ------------- _ --- Board of Tax Appeals, salaries --- Claims, settlement of ---------- Contingent and miscellaneous ex- penses __-- __-- --_ __-- --- - Court of Appeals- ---- _--------- Courts, miscellaneous ----------- District Court of the United States_ Health Department----------_ - Highway fund, gasoline tax and motor vehicle fees ----- -. Judgnllents ---------------- _ -_. Juvenile Court -. .. --


Mental iHealth, Commission on--- Municipal Architect's office------- Municipal Court---------- . --- Police Court ---

--- - Policemen and firemen's relief----- Poundmaster, Office of---------- Public welfare -------_ -- -- -- -- - Refund of assessments ----------- Superintendent of Weights and Measures, Office of-- ___ ___- Zoning Commission-------------- Federal Power Commission--------- Interior, Department of the -- _--_ Freedmen's Hospital ------ . ____. General Land Office --- _-______- George Rogers Clark Sesquicenten- nial Commission ----------- Government in the Territories -- - Housing Authority, United States_ Indian Affairs, Bureau of--------- Mines, Bureau of -_---------- _ Mount Rushmore National Me- morial Commission -.- - -- -- INDEX Page 1126 1125 1115 1115 1116 1116 1126 1127 1127 1127 1126 1116 1119 1119 1124 1120 1119 1124 1120 1122 1122 1122 1121 1124 1124 1121 1119 1120 1122 1122 1121 1119 1122 1124 1120 1120 1116 1127 1136 1129 1128 1135 1128 1130 1133 1128 Deficiency Appropriation Act, Fiscal Year 1938, Second-Continued. Appropriation for-Continued. Interior, Department of the-Contd. National Bituminous Coal Com- mission-_----------------- National Park Service --------- _ Reclamation, Bureau of--------_ Saint Elizabeths Hospital ------- Secretary, Office of ------------ Judgments and authorized claims ---- Justice, Department of___ - -. ___--_ Attorney General, Office of ------- Federal Bureau of Investigation___ Miscellaneous objects ----------- Penal and correctional institutions_ United States Courts___________ Labor, Department of-__ ____ ____ - Children's Bureau --_ _ -_ __ _ _ __ -- Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938, administration expenses------ Labor Statistics, Bureau of------- Secretary, Office of - - _- -__ ______ Lake Erie, commission to prepare celebration of anniversary of Battle of -----------._- - __- Legislative Branch of the Govern- ment- Government Organization, Joint Committee on------------- Government Printing Office______ House of Representatives -------- Library of Congress ----------- . . Senate ---- ____ -- --- __- Maritime Colmmission -ll __ .. .. ._ _ . Fedleral Ship) Mortgage Insurance Flund-- . . .. .. Maritime Labor Board------- . National Capital Park and Planning Commission ----------- __ ___ National Mediation Board - ___ __. National Railroad Adjustment Board ---------------- _- __ Navy Department-------------_ __- Aeronautics, Bureau of -------- _ Construction and Repair, Bureau of_ Engineering, Bureau of ---------- Marine Corps---------------- ___ Naval vessels, replacement of----- Navigation, Bureau of ---------- Secretary, Office of -------. -- _- Yards and Docks, Bureau of ----- Northwest Territory Celebration Commission -. __ ___ __ Perry's Victory Celebration-----_ _ - Post Office Department ----------- First Assistant Postmaster General, Office of .....- - ... ------- Fourth Assistant Postmaster Gen- eral, Office of.....- - -.- - -- -- Page 1128 1134 1133 1136 1127 1154 1136 1136 1136 1137 1138 1137 1138 1139 1139 1139 1138 1117 1115 1115 1114 1115 1114 1119 1119 1117 1117 1117 1117 1140 1142 1140 1140 1142 1143 1140 1140 1140 1117 1117 1143 1143 1144 ---