Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 52.djvu/159

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 51 --MAR . 26 , 1938 [CHAPTER 51] AN ACT March 26, 1938 [a. 1986] To amend section 42 of title 7 of the Canal Zone Code and section 41 of the Act [Public, No. 449] entitled "An Act to provide a civil government for Porto Rico, and for other purposes", approved March 2, 1917, as amended (U. S. C. , 1934 edition, title 48, sec. 893). Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Canal Zone Code, United States of America in Congress assembled, That section 42 of 48eIstt. tI. title 7 of the Canal Zone Code be, and it is hereby, amended to read 7C. Z. Code§42. as follows: District judge, dis- "The district judge, district attorney, and marshal shall- marshanl. "a. be appointed by the President, by and with the advice Appointment. Appotment. and consent of the Senate, the judge for a term of eight years and the district attorney and marshal for terms of four years each; Continuance until "b. continue to discharge the duties of their respective offices, successors qualiy. unless sooner removed by the President, until their successors are appointed and qualify in their stead; Leaves of absence. "c. be allowed sixty days' leave of absence each year, with pay, under such regulations as the President may from time to time prescribe; and Residence. "d. reside within the Canal Zone during their terms of office." PuertoenRico, ivil SEC. 2. That section 41 of the Act entitled "An Act to provide a civil government for Porto Rico, and for other purposes", approved 39 Stat. 96C.§ March 2, 1917, as amended (U. S . C., 1934 edition, title 48, sec. 863), is amended to read as follows: Judicial district of "Puerto Rico shall constitute a judicial district to be called 'the Districtjudge. district of Puerto Rico'. The President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, shall appoint one district judge, who shall serve for a term of eight years and until his successor is appointed District attorney; and qualified and whose salary shall be $10,000 per annum. There marshal. shall be appointed in like manner a district attorney and a marshal for said district, each for a term of four years unless sooner removed Title and powers of by the President. The district court for said district shall be called district court. 'tle District Court of the United States for Puerto Rico', and shall have power to appoint all necessary officials and assistants, including the clerk, interpreter and such commissioners as may be necessary, who shall be entitled to the same fees and have like powers and duties as are exercised and performed by United States commis- Jurisdiction. sioners. Such district court shall have jurisdiction of all cases cog- nizable in the district courts of the United States, and shall proceed iNaturalization of in the same manner. In addition, said district court shall have juris- aliens and Puerto Ricans. diction for the naturalization, of aliens and Puerto Ricans, and for this purpose residence in Puerto Rico shall be counted in the same Controversies be- manner as residence elsewhere in the United States. Said district twcen citizens of for- eign States, etc. court shall have jurisdiction of all controversies where all of the parties on either side of the controversy are citizens or subjects of a foreign State or States, or citizens of a State, Territory, or District of the United States not domiciled in Puerto Rico, wherein the mat- ter in dispute exceeds, exclusive of interest or cost, the sum or value of $3,000, and of all controversies in which there is a separable con- troversy involving such jurisdictional amount and in which all of the parties on either side of such separable controversy are citizens salaries, from u. s. or subjects of the character aforesaid. The salaries of the judge revenues. and officials of the District Court of the United States for Puerto Rico, together with the court expenses, shall be paid from the United States revenues in the same manner as in other United States dis- Vacancies, etc. trict courts. In case of vacancy or of the death, absence, or other legal disability on the part of the judge of the said District Court L52 STAT.