Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 52.djvu/1576

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PROCLAMATIONS-APR . 25, 26, 1938 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States of America to be affixed. DONE at the City of Washington this 25" day of April in the year of our Lord nineteen hundred and thirty-eight, and of the [SEAL] Independence of the United States of America the one hundred and sixty-second. FRANKLIN D ROOSEVELT By the President: SUMNER WELLES Acting Secretary of State. CHANNEL ISLANDS NATIONAL MONUMENT-CALIFORNIA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA A PROCLAMATION WHEREAS certain public islands lying off the coast of Southern California contain fossils of Pleistocene elephants and ancient trees, and furnish noteworthy examples of ancient volcanism, deposition, and active sea erosion, and have situated thereon various other objects of geological and scientific interest; and WHEREAS it appears that it would be in the public interest to reserve such lands as a national monument, to be known as the Channel Islands National Monument: NOW, THEREFORE, I, FRANKLIN D. ROOSEVELT, Presi- dent of the United States of America, under and by virtue of the authority vested in me by section 2 of the act of June 8, 1906, ch. 3060, 34 Stat. 225 (U. S. C., title 16, sec. 431), do proclaim that, subject to all valid existing rights, the following-described lands in California are hereby reserved from all forms of appropriation under the public- land laws and set apart as the Channel Islands National Monument: All of that part of the Anacapa Island Lighthouse Reservation, a group of three islets known as Anacapa Island, approximate area 700 acres, reserved by Executive Order of September 11, 1854, except the following described parcels of land: Parcel I. All of the land comprising the east islet of the group lying eastward of West Longitude 119° 22' 38" (North American Datum 1927) comprising 106.88 acres more or less. Parcel II. All of the land comprising the middle islet lying between West Longitude 119° 23' 21" and 119° 23' 30" and south of Latitude 34° 00' 14" North comprising 7.68 acres more or less. Parcel III. All of the land comprising the west islet lying westward of West Longitude 119° 26' 10" com- prising 46.72 acres more or less. Parcel IV. The entire area of Cat Rock, which lies off the southern extremity of the west islet comprising . 5 acre more or less. April 26, 1938 [No. 2281] Channel Islands National Monument, Calif. Preamble. Establishment. 34 Stat. 225. 16U.S.C.§431. Description. 1541 52 STA T.]