Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 52.djvu/1554

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1518 INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [52 STAT. c) Short films (less than 700 meters in length) except tourist, propaganda or advertising films- Free Prints thereof- 0.15 crowns per running meter. d) Newsreel films- Free Prints thereof- 0.15 crowns per running meter. Note: In addition to the import permit fees set forth under 2) above, there will be a charge for feature films of 500 crowns and a charge for short films of 120 crowns, payable to the Ministry of Commerce. These charges shall cover the costs of importing films in bond, screening films before the con- sultative committee (Film Advisory Committee) of the Ministry of Commerce, and all other fees incidental to the issuance of the import permit. II. The provisions of Paragraph I of this agreement shall not prevent either country from imposing at any time on or in connection with the importation of exposed motion picture films a charge equivalent to an internal tax imposed in respect of a like domestic product. III. The Czechoslovak Republic shall accord to exposed motion picture films of American origin imported into the Czechoslovak Republic treatment in respect of distribution and exhibition no less favorable than may be accorded to films of any other foreign origin or except for the compulsory showing of films of Czechoslovak origin in Czecho- slovak theaters, than may be accorded to films of Czechoslovak origin. The Government of the United States of America shall accord to exposed motion picture films of Czechoslovak origin imported into the United States, treatment in respect of distribution and exhibition no less favorable than that accorded films of United States origin or any other foreign origin. IV. No import or customs quota, or any other form of limitation of the number of exposed motion picture films which may be imported shall be imposed by the Czechoslovak Republic on the importation of ex- posed motion picture films of United States of America origin, or by the Government of the United States of America on the importation of exposed motion picture films of Czechoslovak origin. This provi- sion shall not be construed as a limitation on the operation of normal censorship laws and regulations. V. Importers of exposed motion picture films of United States of America origin may submit such films for screening and censorship without the necessity of having previously super-imposed Czecho- slovak titles thereon. It will however be necessary for such import-