Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 52.djvu/1261

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 795-JUNE 28, 1938 Hempstead County Levee District No. 1, Ark. Colfax, Grant Par- ish, La. Grant Parish, below Oolfax, La. Reservoir, etc., con- struction in lieu of floodway project, Bayou Bodoau and Cypress Bayou, La. 49 Stat. 1576. Lower Mississippi River. Modification a n d approval of project. Ante, p. 1154. 45 Stat. 534; 49 Stat. 1508. Additional appro- priation authorized. 49 Stat. 1508 . Morganza floodway; acquisition cf ease- ments, construction. Modification of de- sign and inflow. Immediate con- struction. waters of all tributaries of Red River within their borders above Denison Dam site and above said dam, if and when constructed, in the same manner and to the same extent as is now or may hereafter be provided by the laws of said States, respectively, and all of said laws as they now exist or as same may be hereafter amended or enacted and all rights thereunder, including the rights to impound or author- ize the retardation or impounding thereof for flood control above the said Denison Dam and to divert the same for municipal purposes, domestic uses, and for irrigation, power generation, and other bene- ficial uses, shall be and remain unaffected by or as a result hereof. All such rights are hereby saved and reserved for and to the said States and the people and the municipalities thereof, and the impounding of any such waters for any and all beneficial uses by said States or under their authority may be as freely done after the passage hereof as the same may now be done. Hempstead County Levee District Numbered 1, Arkansas: Raising, enlarging, and extending existing levee system to improve flood protection in accordance with plans approved by the Chief of Engi- neers, at a construction cost not to exceed $200,000. Colfax, Grant Parish, Louisiana: Remedial measures to stop serious bank caving and to improve flood protection at Colfax, Louisiana, in accordance with plans approved by the Chief of Engineers, at a construction cost not to exceed $50,000. Grant Parish, below Colfax, Louisiana: Continuation of levees on east (left) bank of Red River below Colfax, Louisiana, to the north bank of Bayou Darrow to increase flood protection in Grant Parish; in accordance with plans approved by the Chief of Engineers at a construction cost not to exceed $71,000. The construction of a reservoir and other control works, in accord- ance with plans in the Office of the Chief of Engineers, in lieu of the construction of a floodway for the diversion of Bayou Bodcau and Cypress Bayou, Louisiana, to improve flood protection, as authorized in section 5 of the Flood Control Act approved June 22, 1936, pro- vided that the total estimated cost shall not be increased, is approved. LOWER MISSISSIPPI RIVER That in accordance with the recommendations of the Chief of Engineers, as set forth in his report of April 6, 1937, and published as Flood Control Committee Document Numbered 1, Seventy-fifth Congress, first session, paragraph 38 (b), except subparagraph (1), the project for flood control of the Lower Mississippi River adopted by the Act of May 15, 1928, as amended by the Act of June 15, 1936, as amended, is hereby modified and, as modified, is hereby adopted, and there is hereby authorized to be appropriated in addition to the sums previously authorized $40,000,000 to be applied for the purposes set forth in said document covering the said recommendations, with the exceptions mentioned, subject to the provisions hereinafter made. That the Flood Control Act of June 15, 1936, as amended, is amended as follows: "The United States may, within the discretion of the Chief of Engineers, irrespective of other provisions of law, proceed to acquire all easements needed and of the character considered advisable in the Morganza floodway and to construct said Morganza floodway. Said Morganza floodway may, within the discretion of the Chief of Engineers, be modified as to its design and inflow. "The said Morganza floodway may be initiated and constructed without delay; and the United States may, within the discretion of 1220 [52 STAT.