Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 52.djvu/1221

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 690-JUNE 25, 1938 Additions to base pay and allowances on retirement after 30 years' service. Transfer from Fleet Reserve to Regular Navy retired list, service included. Double-time credit. Ration allowance when hospitalized. Title III-Provi- sions Applicable Only to the Organized Re- serve, Merchant Ma- rine Reserve, and Volunteer Reserve. Application of regu- lations, etc., to mem- bers of Naval Reserve when on active duty, etc. Provisos. Disciplinary action for offenses. Involuntary reten- tion or return to duty status. Initial uniform al- lowance for officers. Additional allow- ance thereafter. Provisos. Condition. Limitation. Uniforms for avia- tion cadets. Further sum in time of war, etc. entitled on retirement after thirty years' service: Provided further, That all men coming under the cognizance of section 204 of this title shall receive all permanent additions to their base pay, and the allow- ances to which enlisted men of the Regular Navy are entitled on retirement after thirty years' service: Provided further, That in the computation of service requisite for transfer of enlisted men of the Fleet Reserve to the retired list of the Regular Navy, service in the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Coast Guard Naval Reserve Force, Fleet Naval Reserve, Fleet Reserve, Marine Corps Reserve Force, and the Marine Corps Reserve and on the retired list of the Regular Navy shall be included: And provided further, That such service as may heretofore have been authorized by law to be counted as double time shall be credited as double time in this computation. SEC. 207. Members of the Fleet Reserve and retired enlisted men shall receive the ration allowance prescribed by law for enlisted men of the Regular Navy when such men are hospitalized in a Fed- eral hospital in accordance with law. TITLE III-PROVISIONS APPLICABLE ONLY TO THE ORGANIZED RESERVE, MERCHANT MARINE RESERVE, AND VOLUNTEER RESERVE SEC. 301. All members of the Naval Reserve, when employed on active duty, authorized training duty, with or without pay, drill, or other equivalent instruction or duty, or when employed in author- ized travel to or from such duty, or appropriate duty, drill, or instruction, or during such time as they may by law be required to perform active duty, or while wearing a uniform prescribed for the Naval Reserve, shall be subject to the laws, regulations, and orders for the government of the Navy: Provided, That disciplinary action for an offense committed while subject to the laws, regulations, and orders for the government of the Navy shall not be barred by reason of release from duty status of any person charged with the commission thereof: Provided further, That for the purpose of car- rying the provisions of this section into effect, members of the Naval Reserve may be retained on or returned to a duty status without their consent, but not for a longer period of time than may be required for disciplinary action. SEC. 302. In time of peace, upon first reporting for active or train- ing duty with pay, after enactment hereof, at a location where uni- forms are required to be worn, or after the authorized performance of fourteen drills, a commissioned or warrant officer of the Naval Reserve shall be paid a sum not to exceed $100 as reimbursement for the purchase of the required uniforms, and thereafter he shall be paid an additional sum of $50 for the same purpose upon the completion of each period of not less than four years in the Naval Reserve: Provided, That this latter amount of $50 shall not become due any officer until he has completed not less than one hundred and fifty drills or periods of other equivalent instruction or duty or appropriate duties and fifty-six days' active or training duty, or seventy-five drills and eighty-four days' active or training duty, or one hundred twelve days' active or training duty: Provided further, That any officer who has heretofore received a uniform gratuity shall not be entitled to either of the above-mentioned sums until the expiration of four years from the date of the receipt of the last such gratuity: Provided fur- ther, That uniforms for aviation cadets shall be provided as hereto- fore or hereafter authorized by law: And provided further, That in time of war or national emergency a further sum of $150 for the 1180 [52 STAT.