Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 52.djvu/1199

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 681-JUNE 25, 1938 48 Stat. 22. 48 Stat. 1066 Department of Jus- tice. Department of La- bor. Navy Departnent. Department of State. For emergency conservation fund (transfer from War to Interior, Indians, Act March 31, 1933), $10. For emergency conservation fund (transfer from War to Interior, Indians, Act June 19, 1934), $310.57. For purchase and transportation of Indian supplies, $22.58. For Indian school support, $31.62. For Indian boarding schools, $108.22 . For support of Indians and administration of Indian property, $58.16. For expenses, sale of timber (reimbursable), $45. For conservation of health among Indians, $138.85. For agriculture and stock raising among Indians, $10.08 . For pay of Indian police, $2.78. For Indian school buildings, $5.30 . For Coolidge Dam across Canyon of Gila River near San Carlos, Arizona (reimbursable), $35.56. For education of natives of Alaska, $64.12. Department of Justice: For salaries and expenses, Bureau of Prohibition, $509.91. For salaries, fees, and expenses of marshals, United States courts, $839.10. For contingent expenses, Department of Justice, $1.77 . For detection and prosecution of crimes, $2. For fees of jurors and witnesses, United States courts, $61.10. For pay of bailiffs, and so forth, United States courts, $48. For miscellaneous expenses, United States courts, $703.40. For support of United States prisoners, $7.50. For salaries and expenses, Division of Investigation, Department of Justice, $6. For United States Southwestern Reformatory, maintenance, $33.33. For United States Industrial Reformatory, Chillicothe, Ohio, main- tenance, 88 cents. Department of Labor: For investigation of cost of living in the United States, $1.20. Navy Department: For payment to officers and employees of the United States in foreign countries due to appreciation of foreign cur- rencies (Navy), $511.18. For miscellaneous expenses, Navy, $100.38. For engineering, Bureau of Engineering, $19,845.17. For pay, subsistence, and transportation, Navy, $4,737.43. For pay of the Navy, $796.96. For maintenance, Bureau of Supplies and Accounts, $131.39. For general expenses, Marine Corps, $3,125.34. For pay, Marine Corps, $324.73. For aviation, Navy, $41,712.12 . For increase of the Navy, emergency construction, $28,726.74. For prize money to captors Spanish War, $1.13. Department of State: For payment to officers and employees of the United States due to appreciation of foreign currencies (State), $1,169.36. For transportation of Foreign Service officers, $1,322.44. For salaries, Foreign Service clerks, $1,194.82. For salaries, Foreign Service officers while receiving instructions and in transit, $611.11 . For contingent expenses, Foreign Service, $1,195.44 . For contingent expenses, United States consulates, $121. For office and living quarters, Foreign Service, $942.53. For salaries, Foreign Service officers, $1,842.48. [52 STAT.