Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 52.djvu/115

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 30 -FEB . 16, 1938 Benefits of Employ- ees' Compensation Act extended to employ- ees. 39 Stat. 742. 5 U. S. C. § 751-796. Producer commit- tees, utilization in administration of Act. Expenses. Allotment of funds. Post, p. 77 . Producer-owned, etc. , cooperative asso- ciations. Crop insurance. Authority of Cor- poration to insure wheat against losses due to unavoidable causes. Post, p. 835. Proviso. Terms, coverage provisions, etc. Minimum and maxi- mum amount. Condition. Premiums. Collection. Claims, adjustment and payment. (b) Insofar as applicable, the benefits of the Act entitled "An Act to provide compensation for employees of the United States suffer- ing injuries while in the performance of their duties, and for other purposes", approved September 7, 1916, as amended, shall extend to persons given employment under the provisions of this title, includ- ing the employees of the committees and associations referred to in subsection (c) of this section and the members of such committees. (c) The Board may establish or utilize committees or associations of producers in the administration of this title and make payments to such committees or associations to cover the estimated adminis- trative expenses to be incurred by them in cooperating in carrying out this title and. may provide that all or part of such estimated expenses may be included in the insurance premiums provided for in this title. (d) The Secretary of Agriculture may allot to bureaus and offices of the Department of Agriculture or transfer to such other agencies of the State and Federal Governments as he may request to assist in carrying out this title any funds made available pursuant to the provisions of section 516 of this Act. (e) In carrying out the provisions of this title the Board may, in its discretion, utilize producer-owned and producer-controlled coop- erative associations. CROP INSURANCE SEc. 508. To carry out the purposes of this title the Corporation is authorized and empowered- (a) Commencing with the wheat crop planted for harvest in 1939, to insure, upon such terms and conditions not inconsistent with the provisions of this title as it may determine, producers of wheat against loss in yields of wheat due to unavoidable causes, including drought, flood, hail, wind, winterkill, lightning, tornado, insect infes- tation, plant disease, and such other unavoidable causes as may be determined by the Board: Provided,however, That for the first three years of operation under this title contracts of insurance shall not be made for periods longer than one year. Such insurance shall not cover losses due to the neglect or malfeasance of the producer or to the failure of the producer to reseed in areas and under circumstances where it is customary to reseed. Such insurance shall cover not less than 50 or more than 75 per centum, to be determined by the Board, of the recorded or appraised average yield of wheat on the insured farm for a representative base period subject to such adjustments as the Board may prescribe to the end that the average yields fixed for farms in the same area, which are subject to the same conditions, may be fair and just. The Board may condition the issuance of such insurance in any county or area upon a minimum amount of partici- pation in a program of crop insurance formulated pursuant to this title. (b) To fix adequate premiums for such insurance, payable either in wheat or cash equivalent as of the due date thereof, on the basis of the recorded or appraised average crop loss of wheat on the insured farm for a representative base period subject to such adjust- ments as the Board may prescribe to the end that the premiums fixed for farms in the same area, which are subject to the same conditions, may be fair and just. Such premiums shall be collected at such time or times, in such manner, and upon such security as the Board may determine. (c) To adjust and pay claims for losses either in wheat or in cash equivalent under rules prescribed by the Board. In the event that any claim for indemnity under the provisions of this title is denied 74 [52 STAT.