Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 52.djvu/1133

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 679-JUNE 25, 1938 46 Stat. 649. 19U..8 . . 1001, par. 1115 (b). 47 Stat. 2438. Forms for hats wholly or chiefly wool; duty. 46 Stat. 665 . 19 U.S .S. . 1001, par. 1529 (a). Textual amend- ment. 46 Stat. 695. 19U.S.C.§1314. Section repealed. 46 Stat. 674. 19 U.S. C.. 1201, par. 1615. Paragraph amend- ed. Free list. Domestic articles re- turned by exporter. Outer containers of domestic or foreign manufacture. Photographic dry plates and films, etc.; exception. Exceptions. Article on which drawback has been made. 46 Stat. 693. 19U.S.C.§1313. Where tax imposed at time article is entered, etc., for con- sumption. Condition. Articles produced, etc., in bonded ware- house and exported. 46 Stat. 673. 19U. .C. 1201, par. 1606(c). Reimportations. (b) Paragraph 1115 (b) of the Tariff Act of 1930 (U. S. C., 1934 edition, title 19, sec. 1001, par. 1115 (b)), as modified by the Presi- dent's proclamation of March 16, 1931 (Proclamation Numbered 1941, 47 Stat. 2438), is hereby amended by striking out the words "manu- factured wholly or in part of wool felt" and inserting in lieu thereof the words "wholly or in chief value of wool but not knit or crocheted nor made in chief value of knit, crocheted, or woven material,". (c) Paragraph 1529 (a) of the Tariff Act of 1930 (U. S. C., 1934 edition, title 19, sec. 1001, par. 1529 (a)) is hereby amended by insert- ing "1116 (a)," after the figure "1111". SEo. 35. Section 314 of the Tariff Act of 1930 (U. S . C., 1934 edition, title 19, sec. 1314) is hereby repealed, and paragraph 1615 of the Tariff Act of 1930 (U. S . C., 1934 edition, title 19, sec. 1201, par. 1615) is hereby amended to read as follows: "PAR 1615. (a) Articles, the growth, produce, or manufacture of the United States, when returned after having been exported, with- out having been advanced in value or improved in condition by any process of manufacture or other means. "(b) Steel boxes, casks, barrels, carboys, bags, quicksilver flasks or bottles, metal drums, and other substantial outer containers of domestic or foreign manufacture, exported empty and returned as usual containers or coverings of merchandise, or exported filled with products of the United States and returned empty or as the usual containers or coverings of merchandise, including shooks and staves produced in the United States when returned as boxes or barrels in use as the usual containers of merchandise. "(c) Photographic dry plates and films of the manufacture of the United States (except moving-picture films to be used for com- mercial purposes), exposed abroad, whether developed or not. "(d) Photographic films light struck or otherwise damaged, or worn out, so as to be unsuitable for any other purposes than the recovery of the constituent materials, provided the basic films are of the manufacture of the United States. "(e) The foregoing provisions of this paragraph shall not apply to- "(1) Any article upon which an allowance of drawback has been made under section 313 of this Act or a corresponding provi- sion of a prior tariff Act, unless such article is in use at the time of importation as the usual container or covering of merchandise not subject to an ad-valorem rate of duty; "(2) Any article of a kind with respect to the importation of which an internal-revenue tax is imposed at the time such article is entered for consumption or withdrawn from warehouse for consumption, unless such article was subject to an internal-revenue tax imposed upon production or importation at the time of its exportation from the United States and it shall be proved that such tax was paid before exportation and not refunded; "(3) Any article manufactured or produced in a customs bonded warehouse in the United States and exported under any provision of law; or "(4) Any article made dutiable under the provisions of para- graph 1606 (c) of this Act. "(f) Upon the entry for consumption or withdrawal from ware- house for consumption of any article previously exported, which is excepted from free entry under this paragraph by the foregoing sub- paragraph (e) and is not otherwise exempted from the payment of duty, there shall be levied, collected, and paid thereon, in lieu of any other duty or tax, a duty equal to the total duty and internal-reve- nue tax, if any, then imposed with respect to the importation of like 1092 [52 STAT.