Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 52.djvu/105

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 30 -FEB . 16 , 1938 Stay of proceedings and exclusive juris- diction. No effect on other quotas. Part II-Adjust- ment of quotas and enforcement. General adjust- ments of quotas. Emergencies, etc. National marketing quota increase; effect of. Corn. not in accordance with law, the court shall remand the proceeding to the review committee with direction either to make such deter- mination as the court shall determine to be in accordance with law or to take such further proceedings as, in the court's opinion, the law requires. STAY OF PROCEEDINGS AND EXCLUSIVE JURISDICTION SEC. 367. The commencement of judicial proceedings under this Part shall not, unless specifically ordered by the court, operate as a stay of the review committee's determination. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the jurisdiction conferred by this Part to review the legal validity of a determination made by a review com- mittee pursuant to this Part shall be exclusive. No court of the United States or of any State shall have jurisdiction to pass upon the legal validity of any such determination except in a proceeding under this Part. NO EFFECT ON OTHER QUOTAS SEC. 368. Notwithstanding any increase of any farm marketing quota for any farm as a result of review of the determination thereof under this Part, the marketing quotas for other farms shall not be affected. PART II. - ADJUSTMENT OF QUOTAS AND ENFORCEMENT GENERAL ADJUSTMENTS OF QUOTAS SEC. 371. (a) If at any time the Secretary has reason to believe that in the case of corn, wheat, cotton, rice, or tobacco the operation of farm marketing quotas in effect will cause the amount of such commodity which is free of marketing restrictions to be less than the normal supply for the marketing year for the commodity then current, he shall cause an immediate investigation to be made with respect thereto. In the course of such investigation due notice and opportunity for hearing shall be given to interested persons. If upon the basis of such investigation the Secretary finds the existence of such fact, he shall proclaim the same forthwith. He shall also in such proclamation specify such increase in, or termination of, existing quotas as he finds, on the basis of such investigation, is necessary to make the amount of such commodity which is free of marketing restrictions equal the normal supply. (b) If the Secretary has reason to believe that, because of a national emergency or because of a material increase in export demand, any national marketing quota for corn, wheat, cotton, rice, or tobacco should be increased or terminated, he shall cause an imme- diate investigation to be made to determine whether the increase or termination is necessary in order to effectuate the declared policy of this Act or to meet such emergency or increase in export demand. If, on the basis of such investigation, the Secretary finds that such increase or termination is necessary, he shall immediately proclaim such finding (and if he finds an increase is necessary, the amount of the increase found by him to be necessary) and thereupon such quota shall be increased, or shall terminate, as the case may be. (c) In case any national marketing quota for any commodity is increased under this section, each farm marketing quota for the com- modity shall be increased in the same ratio. (d) In the case of corn, whenever such proclamation specifies an increase in marketing quotas, the storage amounts applicable to corn shall be adjusted downward to the amount which would have been required to be stored if such increased marketing quotas had [52 STAT.