Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 51.djvu/319

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March 2, 10 , 1937, August 17, 1937 CANADA-RADIO LICENSES September 8, 20 , 1937, October 9, 1937 The Acting Secretary of State (Moore) to the Charge d'Affaires ad interim of Canada (Wrong) DEPARTMENT OF STATE, Washington, September 20, 1937. SIR: I have received your note of September 8, 1937 in further relation to the communication by the United States to the Canadian Gov- ernment of any information concerning the prospective issuance of new radio licenses or the possible alteration of frequencies which may affect the use in Canada of the radio channels involved. I have duly noted that the Government of Canada agrees in principle with the views expressed in my note of August 17, 1937, and that it is pre- pared to exchange information with the Government of the United States, commencing immediately, in the matter of any new or addi- tional broadcast facilities which may involve interference with existing stations. I am sending a copy of your note under acknowledgment to the Federal Communications Commission with a request that I be advised concerning the inquiry contained in the third paragraph of your note with regard to the use of shared waves and the methods of determin- ing interference. As soon as I receive a reply from the Commission, I shall communicate with you again. Accept, Sir, the renewed assurances of my high consideration. R. WALTON MOORE Acting Secretary of State Mr. HUME WRONG, Charge d'Affaires ad interim of Canada. The Secretary of State (Hull) to the Miniiter of (!anada (AMarler) I)EPARTMENT OF STATE, Washington, October 9, 1937. SIR: I refer to a note of September 8, 1937, from your Legation, and my reply of September 20, 1937, in further relation to the communi- cation by the United States to the Canadian Government, on a re- ciprocal basis, of information concerning the prospective issuance of new radio licenses or the possible alteration of frequencies which may affect the use in Canada of the radio channels involved, and now advise you that the Department has received a letter from the Fed- eral Communications Commission concerning the inquiry contained in the third paragraph of the note of September 8, in regard to the use of shared waves and the methods of determining interference.