Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 51.djvu/295

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FRANCE-CUSTOMS, SYRIA AND THE LEBANON-FEB. 18 , 1937 ARTICLE 2. -Le Secr6taire G6enral et l'Inspecteur General des Douanes sont charges, chacun en ce qui le concerne, de l'execution du present arret6. BEYROUTH, le 27 Mars 1937 Le Secretaire General, Le Haut Commissaire, MEYRIER D. DE MARTEL Le Conseiller du Haut Cor- Pr. le Conseiller du Haut Commissariat missariat aux Affaires aux Affaires Financieres, Economiques, ROUCOLLE RECLUS Le Conseiller Legislatif, L'Inspecteur General des Douanes, A. MAZAS Roux [Translation] CUSTOMS DECREE NO. 53/L.R . Deee o Frec High Commissioner of March 27, 1937, with modifcations. making modification No. 14 to the "Code des Douanes" The High Commissioner of the French Republic, Considering the decrees of the President of the French Republic dated November 23, 1920, and July 16, 1933, Considering Decree No. 137/LR of June 15, 1935, called "Code des Douanes", and subsequent decrees making modifications Nos. 1 to 13 in this Code, DECREES: ARTICLE 1. -Decree No. 137/LR of June 15, 1935, called "Code des Douanes" is modified or completed as follows: Article 248-Section d-Last paragraph. -To be replaced by the following text: The value of merchandise admitted annually free of duty may not exceed 1,500 Syrian piasters per pupil for establishments of primary or secondary instruction, and 2,500 Syrian piasters for university establishments. Article £51 .- To be completed as follows: . . , or the deposit of a guarantee of the foreign institution in question transmitted by its consul. Article 334. -T he first paragraph to be replaced by the following text: The Customs Administration is exempted from stamp formalities for all instruments which it might be called upon to produce or to demand judicially, as well as from payment of all judicial expenses occasioned by the actions which it might have to initiate or to defend judicially. It is likewise exempted from all costs of executions of judgments, and the Treasury's preferential claim cannot be alleged against the full exercise of its rights. 293