Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 5.djvu/75

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To the Chippewas, Ottawas and Pottawatamies.To the Chippewas, Ottawas and Pottawatamies.—For the support of a blacksmith and assistant, stipulated in the second article of the treaty with them, of the twenty-ninth of July, eighteen hundred and twenty-nine, seven hundred and twenty dollars.

For the purchase of iron, steel, &c. two hundred and twenty dollars.

For the permanent annuity, stipulated in the second article of the treaty of the twenty-ninth of July, eighteen hundred and twenty-nine, two hundred and fifty dollars.

For the purchase of fifty barrels of salt, stipulated in the same, two hundred and fifty dollars.

For the limited annuity, stipulated in the third article of the treaty with them, of the twenty-sixth of September, eighteen hundred and thirty-three, fourteen thousand dollars.

For the limited annuity, stipulated in the second article of the supplement to the said treaty, two thousand dollars.

For the annuity, stipulated to the third article of the said treaty, to four chiefs, for life, one thousand one hundred dollars.

To the Winnebagoes.To the Winnebagoes.—For the limited annuities, stipulated in the second article of the treaty with them, of the first of August, eighteen hundred and twenty-nine, eighteen thousand dollars.

For the purchase of fifty barrels of salt, stipulated in the same, two hundred and fifty dollars.

For the purchase of three thousand pounds of tobacco, stipulated in the same, three hundred dollars.

For the support of three blacksmiths and assistant, stipulated in the third article of the same, two thousand one hundred and sixty dollars.

For iron, steel, &c. six hundred and sixty dollars.

For the pay of laborers and for oxen, stipulated in the same, three hundred and sixty-five dollars.

For the limited annuity, stipulated in the third article of the treaty of the fifteenth of September, eighteen hundred and thirty-two, ten thousand dollars.

For the purpose of education, stipulated in the fourth article of the same, three thousand dollars.

For the support of six agriculturists, and purchase of oxen, ploughs, and agricultural implements, stipulated in the fifth article of the same, two thousand five hundred dollars.

For the purchase of one thousand five hundred pounds of tobacco, stipulated in the same, one hundred and fifty dollars.

For the services of two physicians, stipulated in the same, four hundred dollars.

To the Menomonees.To the Menomonees.—For the support of five farmers and five females, housekeepers, stipulated in the second article of the treaty with them, of the fifth of February, eighteen hundred and thirty-one, four thousand dollars.

For the support of a miller, stipulated in the same, six hundred dollars.

For the support of three blacksmiths and assistants, stipulated in the same, two thousand one hundred and sixty dollars.

For the purchase of iron, steel, &c. six hundred and sixty dollars.

For the limited annuity, stipulated in the same, six thousand dollars.

For the purposes of education, stipulated in the fifth article of the same, five hundred dollars.

For the purchase of provisions, stipulated in the sixth article of the same, one thousand dollars.

To the Chippewas.To the Chippewas.—For the permanent annuity stipulated in the fourth article of the treaty with them, of the third of August, seventeen hundred and ninety-five, one thousand dollars.

For the support of a blacksmith and assistant, at Michilimackinac, seven hundred and twenty dollars.

For the purchase of iron, steel, &c. two hundred and twenty dollars.