Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/999

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954 Recommendat ion to prot ect solvency of fund . Cooperation with Social Security Board . Ante, p. 635. Method of paying administrative ex. penses . Dep osit of re ceipts . Ante, p . 628. Payments ; audit . District Unemploy- ment Compensation Board . Est ablishme nt ; c om- posi tion . Residence ; terms of office . Vacancy . Chairman . Administration of Act . Service of Commis- sioners . Reciprocal agree- ments with States . Authority to enter . 74 TH CONGRESS . SESS. I. CH. 794. AUGUST 28, 1935. (d) The Board shall, whenever it believes that a change in the contribution or benefit rates is necessary to protect the solvency of the fund, at once recommend such change to Congress if in session . (e) The Board is hereby authorized and directed, in the adminis- tr ation of this Act, to coop erate to the fullest prac ticable extent with the Social Security Board created by the Social Security Act ; to make such reports in such form and containing such information as the Social Security Board may from time to time require, and to comply with such provisions as the Social Security Board may from time to time find necessary to assure the correctness and verification of such reports ; and to comply with the regulations prescribed by the Social Security Board governing the expenditure of such sums as may be allotted and paid to the District under Title III of the Social Security Act for the purpose of assisting in administering this Act . METHOD OF PAYING ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES SEC. 15 . All mone ys rece ived by the Boa rd from the Uni ted Sta tes under Title III of the Social Security Act or from other sources for administering this Act shall, immediately upon such receipt, be deposited in the Treasury of the United States as a special deposit to be used solely to pay such administrative expenses . All such pay- ments of expenses shall be made by checks drawn by the Board and shall be subject to audit by the District auditor in the same manner as are payments of other expenses of the District . DIS TRI CT U NEMP LOYM ENT COM PENS AtiO N BO ARD SEC . 1 6 . (a) There i s hereby establ ished th e Distr ict Une mploy- ment Compensation Board, to be composed of the Commissioners of the District as members ex-officio, and one representative of employees and one representative of employers to be appointed by the Commissioners . Each such representative shall be a resident of the District and shall hold office for a term of three years from the date of his appointment ; except that (1) any representative appointed to fill a vacancy occurring prior to the expiration of the term for which his predecessor was appointed, shall be appointed only for the remainder of such term, and (2) the term of office of the first representative of employees shall be two years . The cha ir- man of the Commissioners of the District shall be chairman of the Board . (b) The Board shall administer this Act through an executive officer to be appointed and employed by the Board . S uch ex ecu tive officer shall act as secretary of the Board and is hereby authorized to act in the name of the Board in all matters specifically delegated to him by the Board . (c) The Commissioners of the District shall serve on the Board without additional compensation, but the repr esen tativ es of employees and employers, respectively, shall be paid $10 for each day of active service . RECIPROCAL AGREEMENTS WITH STATES SEC. 17. The Board is hereby authorized, upon such terms as in its judgment will not result in any loss to the District Unemploy- ment Fund, to enter into agreements with the proper authorities under State unemployment-compensation laws whereby there shall be effected with respect to individuals who have removed from employment in the District to employment in the State covered by the agreement, or who have removed from employment in such State to employment in the District, an exchange of the rights acquired by