Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/984

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74TH CONGRESS . SESS. I . CHS. 780, 781. AUGUST 27, 1935 . SEC. 2 . Any consent which the United States may have given to the asse rtion ag ainst it of any right, p rivilege , or pow er wheth er by way of su it, countercla im, set-off, recoupment, o r other affirm ative action or defense in its own name or in the name of any of its offi- cers, agents, agencies, or instrumentalities in any proceeding of any nature whatsoever (1) upon any gold-clause securities of the United States or for interest thereon, or (2) upon any coin or currency of the United States, or (3) upon any claim or demand arising out of any surrender, requisition, seizure, or acquisition of any such coin or currency or of any gold or silver and involving the effect or validity of any change in the metallic content of the dollar or other regulation of the value of money, is withdrawn : Provided, Tha t this section shall not apply to any suit heretofore commenced or which may be commenced by January 1, 1936, or to any proceeding referred to in this section in which no claim is made for payment or credit in an amount in excess of the face or nominal value in dollars of the securities, coins or currencies of the United States involved in suc h procee ding . SEC . 3 . Except in cases with respect to which consent is not with- drawn under section 2, no sums, whether heretofore or hereafter appropriated or authorized to be expended, shall be available for, or expended in, payment upon securities, coins, or currencies of the United States except on an equal and uniform dollar for dollar basis . SEC. 4. As used in this resolution the phrase " gold clause " means a provision contained in or made with respect to an obligation which purports to give the obligee a right to require payment in gold, or in a particular kind of coin or currency of the United States, or in an amount in mone y of the United States m easured thereby, declare d to be against public policy by Public Resolution Numbered 10 of June 5, 1933 ; and the phrase " securities of the United States " means the domestic public debt obligations of the United States, including bonds, notes, certificates of indebtedness, and Treasury bills, and other obligations for the repayment of money, or for interest thereon, made, issued o r guaran teed by the Unit ed State s . Approved, August 27, 1935, six p. m., E . S. T. [CHAPTER 781 .] JOI NT R ESOL UTI ON Consenting to an interstate oil compact to conserve oil and gas . Resolved by the Sen ate and House of Rep res ent ati ves of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the consent of Congress is hereby given to an interstate compact to conserve oil and gas, executed in the city of Dallas, Texas, the 16th day of February, 1935, by the representatives of the States of Oklahoma, Texas, California, and New Mexico, and there rec omm end ed for ratification by representatives of the States of Arkansas, Colorado, Illinois, Kansas, and Michigan, and since ratified by the States of New Mexico, Ka nsa s, Oklahoma, Illinois, Colorado, and Tex as, which compact has been deposit ed in th e Depart ment of State of the United States, and reads as follows "ARtiCLE I "This agreement may become effective within any c omp act ing State at any time as prescribed by that State, and shall become effec- tive within those States ratifying it whenever any three of the States of Texas, Oklahoma, California, Kansas, and New Mexico have rati- fied and Congress has given its consent. Any oil-producing State may be come a p arty her eto as h ereinaft er provi ded . 939 withdrawal of con- se nt to sue Govern- ment for any claim, etc ., arising hereunder . Pro viso . Suits commenced by January 1, 1936, ex- cepted . Conformity of appro- pri ations to des ignated co nstr ucti on . "Gold clause" fined . "Securities of the United States ." August 27, 1935 . [H.J. Res.407.] [Pub . Res ., No. 64.] Oil and gas co nserva- tion . Consent given to an int erstate compa ct rel- ative to. Text of compact . de-