Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/951

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74T H CONGRESS . SESS . I. CII. 763. AUGUST 27, 1935. [CHAPTER 763 .1 AN ACT Au gust 27, 1935 . [s. R . 7927.1 To authorize the Secretary of State to lease to citizens of the United States any [Public, No . 370.] land heretofore or hereafter acquired under any Act, Executive order or treaty in connectio n with pr ojects, i n whole o r in part construct ed or adm inistered by the Secretary of State through the International Boundary Commission, United States and Me xic o, Am eri can section . Be it enacted by the Senate and House o f Representatives o f the Mexican Boundary United States o f America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary Com mis si on, American section.

of State be, and he is hereby, authorized to lease to citizens of the Se cret ary American Stat e to lease t o Ameri can cit i- United States any land heretofore or hereafter acquired under any ze ns lands acquired in Act Executive order, or treaty in connection with in whole con nec ti on wi th pr o-




projects, jects throu g h.

or in part, constructed or administered by the Secretary of State need ed . when no longer through the said American Commissioner, or to dispose of such lands to American citizens when no longer needed, by sale at public auction, after thirty days advertisement, at a price not less than that which may be fixed by three disinterested appraisers, to be designa ted by the Secretary of State, or by private sale, or otherwise, at not less Provisos .

than such appraised value : Pro vi de d That any of such land as shall Reconveyance of do- nated land to gra ntor . have been donated to the U nited Ata tes and which is no longer needed may be reconveyed, without cost, to the grantor or his heirs

irrigation, Ri ghts-of-way for Provided further, That the lease or disposal of any land pursuant hereto may, in the discretion of the Secretary of State, be s ubject to reservations in favor of the United States f or rights-of-way for irrigation, drainage, river work, and other purposes, and any such disposal may be conditioned upon and made subject to inclusion of such lands in any existing irrigation district in the vicinity of such lands, the proceeds of any such lease or sale to be covered into the Donations to states Treasury of the United States : And provided further, That, in the for public p urposes' discretion of the Secretary of State, and subject to such conditions as he may deem appropriate, conveyances of any other of such lands not needed by the United States may be made to the State to which they lie adjacent or to any similarly situated county, city, or other governmental subdivision of such State, without cost, for use for public purposes . Iss ue of revokable The Secretary of State is further authorized to issue revokable licenses for irrigation, et c. licenses for public or private use for irrigation or other structures or uses not inconsistent with the use of such lands made, or to be made, by the United States, across any lands retained by the United States, and to execute all necessa ry leases, title instruments, and conveyances, in order to carry out the provisions of this Act. Res tora tion, res , etc., of Whenever the construction of any project or works undertaken pnva testruotn or administered by the Secretary o f State through the International Bound ary Commi ssion, U nited Sta tes and M exico, r esults in the interference with or necessitates the alteration or restoration of con- structed and existing irrigation or water-supply structures, sanitary or sewage disposal works, or other structures or physical property belonging to any municipal or private corporation, company, asso- ciation, or individual, the Secretary of State may cause the restora- tion or reconstruction of such works, structures, or physical property or the const ructi on of othe rs in lieu ther eof o r he may c ompen sate the owners thereof t o the extent of the reasonable value thereof as the same may be agree d upon b y the Ame rican Co mmissione r with such owner . Approved, August 27, 1935 .