Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/946

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 74TH CONGRESS. SESS. I. CH. 756. AUGUST 27, 1935.901

tions adopted under authority of said District of Columbia Alcoholic Beverage Control Act."
 SEC. 10. That section 20 of the Act be amended so as to read as follows: Vol. 48, p. 331.
 "SEC. 20. Licenses issued hereunder shall not authorize the sale or delivery of beverages, with the exception of beer and light wines, to any person under the age of twenty-one years, or beer or light wines to any person under the age of eighteen years, either for his own use or for the use of any other person; or the sale, service, or delivery of beverages to any intoxicated person, or to any person of notoriously intemperate habits, or to any person who appears to be intoxicated ; and ignorance of the age of any such minor shall not be a defense to any action instituted under this section. No licensee shall be liable to any person for damages claimed to arise from refusal to sell such alcoholic beverages." Individuals to whom sales prohibited.
 SEC. 11. That section 23 of the said Act be amended by the addi-tion of a new subsection to be designated (k), and to read as follows: Vol. 48, pp. 332, 654. Tax rates.
 "(k) No taxing provision of subsection (a), (c), (e), and (i) of this section shall apply in the case of a passenger-carrying marine vessel operating in and beyond the District of Columbia, or a club car or a dining car on a railroad operating in and beyond the Dis-trict of Columbia, for which a retailer's license, class C or D, has been issued under this Act, except as set forth in this subsection. When not applicable.
 "The tax as specified in subsection (a) of this section shall be paid on all such beverages as are sold and served by said licensee while passing through or when at rest in the District of Columbia, in the following manner: A record shall be made and kept by the licensee for each passenger-carrying marine vessel operating in and beyond the district of Columbia, and for each club car or dining car on a railroad operating in and beyond the District of Columbia, for which a retailer's license, class C or class D, has been issued under this Act, of all alcoholic beverages sold and served in the District of Columbia, which record shall be subject to inspec-tion by the Board. Each holder of such a license shall, on or before the 10th day of each month, forward to the Board on a form to be prescribed by the Commissioners, a statement under oath, showing the quantity of each kind of beverage, except beer and nontaxable light wines, sold under such license in the District of Columbia during the preceding calendar month, to which said statement shall be attached stamps denoting the payment of the tax imposed under this Act upon the beverages set forth in said report." Payment.

 Records to be kept.
 SEC. 12. That section 25 of the Act be amended so as to read as follows: Vol. 48, p. 333.
 "SEC. 25. No licensee under this Act shall allow any person who has, within ten years prior thereto, been convicted of any felony, to sell, give, furnish, or distribute any beverage, nor allow any minor under the age of twenty-one years of age to sell, give, furnish, or distribute any beverage, except beer and light wines, or any minor under the age of eighteen years to sell, give, furnish, or distribute beer and light wines." Restriction on em-ployment of certain individuals for dispensing alcoholic beverages.
 SEC. 13. That subsection (a) of section 28 of the said Act be amended so as to read as follows: Vol. 48, p. 333.
 "(a) No person shall in the District of Columbia drink any alcoholic beverage in any street, alley, park, or parking; or in any vehicle in or upon the same; or in any place to which the public is invited for which a license has not been issued hereunder per-mitting the sale and consumption of such alcoholic beverage upon such premises; or in any place to which the public is invited (for Drinking in public places, unlawful.