Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/942

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74TH CONGRESS . SESS. I. CHS. 755, 756. AUGUST 27, 1935 .

897 [CHAPTER 755 .] AN ACT August 27, 1935 . To provide for the commemoration of the two hundredth anniversary of the [H . R. 3003 .1 Battle of Ackia, Mississippi, and the establishment of the Ackia Battleground

[Public, No. 362.] National Monument, and for other purposes . Be it enacted by the Senate and House o f Representatives o f the United States of America in Congress assembled, That a national Na tonal BMole na commission to be known as the " Ackia Battle Memo rial . Commi ssion " establishment . Co mmis sion ; ap. and which shall be composed of five commissioners to be appointed pointment, composi- by the Secretary of the Interior, one member to represent the Chicka- l ion- saw Indians and one the French-speaking people of the United States, be, and is her eby, authorized a nd established to prepare plans an d programs for the commemoration in May 1936 of the two hundredth anniversary of the Battle of Ackia . That said commissioners shall receive no compensation for their services. SEC . 2. That the Secretary of the Interior be, and he is hereby, Acquisition of site . authorized in his discretion to acquire, by purchase or by condemna- tion and/or accept by donation in behalf of the United States, such lands, easements, and buildings not to exceed fifty acres, and when title satisfactory to the Secretary of the Interior shall have been vested in the United States such area or areas shall be, upon procla- mation of the President, established, dedicated, and set apart as a public monument for the benefit and enjoyment of the people and s hall be kn own as th e "Ackia B attlegrou nd Nationa l Monument " : Proviso . Provided, That such area shall include the site of the Battle of b tlegr ound . include Ackia . SEC. 3. That there is hereby authorized to be appropriated, out of Sun, ,aph oized. 1623. m oneys in t he Treasu ry not oth erwise ap propriated , the sum of $15,000 to carry out the provisions of this Act . SEC . 4 . The administration, protection, and development of the Supe rvision, etc . a foresaid national monument shall b e exercised under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior by the National Park Service, sub- ject to the provisions of the Act of August 25, 1916, entitled "An 'sac p~535. 1. A ct to establish a National Park Se rvice, and for ot her purposes", as amended . Ap prov ed, August 27, 1935 . [ CHAPTE R 756 .1

AN ACT August 27 1935 . To amend the District of Columbia Alcoholic Beverage Control Act .

[H. R . 6510 .] [Pu blic, No.363.] Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That subsection District of Columbia Alcoholic Beverage (q) of section 3 of the Act of Congress entitled "An Act to control Control Act; amend- the m anufacture, trans portation, posses sion, and sale of alcoholic my .9s,p.321. beverages in the District of Columbia", approved January 24, 1934, be amended so as to read as follows "(q) The word `tavern' means a suitable space in a suitable build- "Tavern" defined . ing approved by the Board, including such suitable space outside of the building and adjoining it, as may be approved by the Board, kept, used, maintained, advertised, or held out to the public to be a place where sandwiches or light lunches are prepared and served for consumption on the premises in such quantities as to satisfy the Board that the sale of beer and light wines intended is no more than an incident to and not the prime source of revenue of such `tavern' ." SEC. 2. That section 6 of sa id Act be amended so as to read as follows " SEC. 6. The right,

and jurisdiction to issue transfer Licenses ; issue, trans. powe r,


7 fer, and revocation . revoke, and suspend all licenses under this Act shall be vested solely 104019'-36-57