Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/879

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74TH CONGRESS. SESS . I. CH. 637 . AUGUST 26, 1935 . Effect on existing law. Vol. 48, pp. 74, 881. EFFeCT ON EXISTING LAW SEC . 21 . Nothing in this title shall affect (1) the jurisdiction of the Commission under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, or the Securities Exch ange Act of 1934 over any person, security, or con - tract, or (2) the rights, obligations, duties, or liabilities of any person under such Acts ; nor shall anything in this title affect the jurisdiction of any other commission, board, agency, or officer of the United States or of any State or political subdivision of any State, over any person, security, or contract, insofar as such jurisdiction does not conflict with any provision of this title or any rule, regula- tion, or o rder t hereu nder, I nformation filed with the Comm ission . Availability to pub- SEC. 22. (a) When in the judgment of the Commission the dis- li c. closure of such information wou ld be in the publ ic interest or th e interest of investors or consumers, the information contained in any statement, application, declaration, report, or other document filed with the Commission shall be available to the public, and copies thereof may be furnished to any person at such reasonable charge and under such reasonable limitations as the Commission may Prov iso .

prescribe : Provided, however, That nothing in this title shall be Trade secrets, construed to require, or to authorize the Commission to require, the revealing of trade secrets or processes i n any application, declaration, report, or document filed with the Commission under this title . Objections to dis.

( b) An y pe rson fil ing s uch appl icati on, decl arat ion, repo rt, or closure ; sling. document may make written objection to the public disclosure of information contained therein, stating the grounds for such objection, and the Commission is authorized to hear objections in any such case where it finds it advisab le . clo ureu th r oibee ddis- (c) It shall be unlawful for any member, officer, or employee of the Commission to discl ose to any person o ther than a member, of ficer, or e mploy ee of the C ommis sion, or to use for p ersona l ben efit, any inf ormation contain ed in any applica tion, declaration , report, or document filed with the Commission which is not made available to the public pursuant to this section . Annu al repo rts of Commission .

ANNUAL RE PORT S OF CO MMIS SION Submission to Con- SEC. 23 . The Commission shall submit annually a report to the gres s. Congress covering the work of the Commission for the preceding year an d including such information, dat a, and recommenda tions for further legislation in connection with t he matters covere d by this title as it may find advisable . Review of orders.

COU RT RE VIEW OF ORDE RS Filing petition with court . SEC . 24 . (a) Any person or pa rty aggrieved by an order issued b y the Commission under this title may obtain a review of such order in the circuit court of appeals of the United States within any cir- cuit wherein such person resides or has his principal place of busi- nes s, or in the Uni ted States Court of Appeals for th e District of Columbia, by filing in such court, within sixty days after the entry of such order, a written petition praying that the order of the Com- serv ice of cop y. mission be modified or set aside in whole or in part . A copy of such petition shall be forthwith served upon any member of the Commis- sio n, or upon any o fficer thereof de signated by the C ommission for Cert ification and al- that

and ther eupo n th e Com miss ion shall cer tify and file Sng transcript of record .


y in the court a transcript of the record upon which the order com- plained of was entered . Upon the filing of such transcript such court INFORMAtiON FILED WITH THE COMMISSION