Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/85

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74TH CON GRESS . SESS. I . CHS. 28, 29. MARCH 6, 7, 1935. and Kindred

hole- SEC . 4 . Section 954 of such Act, as amended (D . C . Code, title 25, sec . 245), is amended to read as follows Vol. 31, p. 1343.

" SEC . 954 . In no case shall there be any distinction between the Property representa- kindred of the whole- and the half-blood ." tion .

SEC. 5 . Section 955 of such Act, as amended (D . C . Code, title 25, sec. 246), is amended to read as follows : " SEC . 955 . Whenever those entitled to share in the estate in fee simple in lands, tenements, or hereditaments in the District of Columbia, of an intestate, are all in the same degree of kindred to the intestate, they shall take per capita or by persons

and, where

a part of them are dead and a part living, the issue of those dead shall take per stirpes or by stocks the shares of their deceased parents ." Approved, March 6, 1935 . March 7, 1935 . [H.J. Res.94.] [Pub. Res ., No. 7 .] California Pacific In- ternati onal E xposit ion . Ap pro pri ati on for . Post, pp . 50, 119, 1107, 1110 . F ore ign nations ; par- ticipation . Com mission c reated . Composition, pur- pose, etc . Appointment of Fed- eral Commissioner . Qualifications ;

ex- penses. [C HAPTE R 29 .] JO INT RES OLU TIO N Pro viding for t he particip ation of th e United Sta tes in the California Pacific International Exposition to be held at San Diego, California, in 1935 and 1936 ; authorizing an appropriation therefor ; and for other purposes . Whereas there is to be held at San Diego, California, beginning in May 1935, the California Pacific International Exposition for the purpo se of inspir ing na tional confi dence and a higher appre cia- tion of American institutions, stimulating business and industry, assisting the Government in bringing a more abundant life to its people, creating understanding among nations, and in commem- oration of the four hundredth anniversary of the discovery of the Pacific Southwest by Fr ancisco Vasquez De Coronado ; a nd Whereas said exposition is worthy and deserving of the support and encoura gement of the Government of the United Sta tes of Am eri ca : Th erefore, be it Resolved by the Senate and House o f Representatives of the United States o f America in Congress assembled, That the President of the United States be, and he hereby is, authorized and respectfully requested by proclamation or in such manner as he may deem proper to invite all foreign countries and nations to such proposed exposi- tion with a request that they participate therein . SEC . 2 . There is hereby established a commission to be known as "The California Pac ifi c Int er nat ion al Ex pos it ion Commission" and to be composed of the Secretary of State, the Secretary of Agri- culture, and the Secretary of Commerce ; which Commission shall serve without additional compen sation and shall represent the United States in connection with the holding of an international exposition known as " The California Pacific International Exposi- tion " in San Diego, California, in the year 1935, and continuing into the year 1936 . SEC . 3. There is hereby created a Federal commissioner for the Califo rnia P acific Inter nation al Exp ositio n, suc h comm ission er to be appointed by the President upon the nomination of the Secretary of Agriculture, who shall select for this purpose an official of his Department who ha .s had experience in, and is familiar with, the preparation and management of exhibitions, and who will serve in this capacity without additional salary . That the expenses of the Federa l comm ission er and such staff as he may re quire will b e met out of the fund s pro vided for the purpo ses o f the Gove rnmen t participation in the exposition .