Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/707

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74T x CONGRESS . SESS . I. CH S. 575, 576. AUGUST 20, 1935 . of lands caping such site, may be paid from any fund or moneys available for such urpose, except from the general fund of the Location; design . Treasury ; and the Secretary is for that purpose further authorized and empowered to determine upon a suitable location, plan, and design for said monument or memorial, by and with the advice of the National Commission of Fine Arts . expert services. SeC. 3 . In the discharge of his duties hereunder, the Secretary of the Interior, through the National Park Service, is authorized to employ, in his discretion, by contract or otherwise, landscape archi- tects, architects, artists, engineers, and/or other expert consultants in accordance with the usual customs of the several professions without u.S.C.,p.s5 refe rence to civil-service re quirements or to the Clas sification Act of 1 923, as amended , and th at expe nditures for su ch emplo yment s hall be construed to be included in any appropriations hereafter author- ized for any work under the objectives of this Act . Other memorials per- SEC . 4 . T he Secr etary of the In terior i s furth er autho rized, by and with the advice of the National Commission of Fine Arts, to authorize and permit the erection in said memorial park of suitable mem orials in harmony with the monument and/or m emorial herein authorized that may be desired to be constructed by Spanish War Approval required . organizations, States, and/or foreign governments : Provided, That the design and location of such memorials must be approved by the S ecretary of the Interio r, by a nd with the adv ice of t he Nati onal Commission of Fine Arts, before construction is undertaken . S upervision , etc . SEC. 5. The administration, protection, and development of the aforesaid Spanish War Memorial Park, including any and all memo- rials that may hereafter be erected thereon, shall be exercised under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior by the National Park Service . Approved, August 20, 1935 . [CHAPT ER 576.] August 20,1 .93 .5

AN ACT [S. 2695 .] To add certain lands to the Medicine Bow National Forest, Wyoming . [Public, No . 288.] Medicine Bow Na- tional Forest, Wyo . Land s ad ded to. Description. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States o f America in Congress assembled, That the following- described lands are hereby added to the Medicine Bow Natio nal Forest, Wyoming, and made subject to all laws and regulations applicable to such forest, and subject to all valid existing rights : Sections 4 to 9, inclusive ; sections 17 to 19, inclusive, township 24 north, range 70 west, sixth principal meridian . Sections 4 to 9, inclusive ; section 18, township 25 north, range 70 west, sixth principal meridian . Sections 6 and 7 ; sections 19 to 21, inclusive ; sections 28 to 33, inclusive, township 26 north, range 70 west, sixth principal meridian . South half section 7 ; south half section 8 ; south half section 9 ; sections 16 to 19, inclusive ; sections 30 and 31, township 27 north, range 70 west, sixth principal meridian . Sections 6, 7, 18, 19, and 30, township 28 north, range 70 west, sixth principal meridian . Sections 1 to 4, inclusive ; sections 8 to 17, inclusive ; sections 20 to 28, inclusive ; sections 33 to 36, inclusive, township 24 north, range 71 west, sixth principal meridian . Sections 1 to 5, inclusive ; east half section 6 ; east half section 7 ; sections 8 to 16 ; inclusive ; sections 21 to 28, inclusive ; sections 33 to 36, inclusive, township 25 north, range 71 west, sixth principal meridian .