Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/679

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634 Apportionment to Hawaii . Appropriation au- th oriz ed for adminis- tration . Post, pp. 1119, 1798 . Part 5-Administra- ti on, App ropr iati on au- thorized . Post, pp . 1122, 1349 . Studies and investi- gati ons by Ch ildren's Bur eau . Annual report . Title VI-Public Health Work. Appropriation . Sum authorized. Post, pp. 1 126, 1841 . State and local public health services . Allotments to States by Surge on Ge neral . Amounts . Determination of. Certifi cation to Sec- ret ary of the Treasury . Availability ol allot- me nt remaining un- paid . 74TH CONGRESS. SESS. I. CH. 531. AUGUST 14, 1935 . to civil employment ", approved June 2, 1920, as amended (U . S . C ., title 29, ch. 4; U. S. C., Supp. VII, title 29, sees. 31, 32, 34, 35, 37, 39, and 40), there is hereby authorized to be appropriated for the fiscal years ending June 30, 1936, and June 30, 1937, the sum of $841,000 for each such fiscal year in addit ion to the amount of the existing autho rization, and for each fis cal year thereaft er the su m of $1,938,000 . Of the sums appropriated pursuant to such autho rization for each fiscal year, $5,000 shall be apportioned to the Territory of Hawaii and the remainder shall be apportioned among the several States in the manner provided in such Act of June 2, 1 920, as amended . (b) For the administration of such Act of June 2, 1920, as amended, by the Federal agency authorized to administer it, there is hereby authorized to be appropriated for the fiscal years ending June 30, 1936, and June 30, 1937, the sum of $22,000 for each such fiscal year in addition to the amount of the existing authoriza- tion . and for each fiscal year thereafter the sum of $102,000 . PAR T 5 -AD MIN IST RAT ION SEC. 541. (a) There is hereby authorized to be appropriated for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1936, the sum of $425,000, for all necessary expenses of the Children's Bureau in administering the provisions of this title, except section 531 . (b) The Children's Bureau shall make such studies and investi- gations as will promote the efficient administr ation of this title, except section 531 . (c) The Secret ary of Labor shall include in his annual report to Congress a full account of the administration o f this title, except section 531 . TITLE VI-PUBLIC HEALTH WO RK APPROPRIATION SECTIoN 601 . For the purpose of assisting States, counties, health districts, and other political subdivisio ns of the States in establish- ing and m ainta ining adeq uate publi c-hea lth s ervic es, i nclud ing t he training of personnel for State and local health work, there is hereby authorized to be appropriated for each fiscal year, beginning with the fiscal year ending June 30, 1936, the sum of $8,000,000 to be used as hereinafter provided . STATE AND LOCAL PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICES SEC. 602. (a) The Surgeon General of the Public Health Service, with the approval of the Secretary of the Treasury, shall, at the beginning o f each fis cal year, allot to t he States the total of (1) the amount appropriated for such year pursuant to section 601 ; and (2) the amounts of the allotments under this section for the pre- ceding fiscal year remaining unpaid to the States at the end of such fiscal y ear . The amounts o f such a llotments shall be determi ned on the basis of (1) the population ; (2) the special health problems ; and (3) the financial needs ; of the respective States . Upon making such allotments the Surgeon General of the Public Health Service shall certify the amounts thereof to the Secretary of the Tre asury . (b) The amount of an allotment to any State under subsection (a) for any fiscal year, remaining unpaid at the end of such fiscal year, shall be available for allotment to States under subsection (a) for the succeeding fiscal year, in addition to the amount appropriated for such year .