Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/660

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74m CONGRESS . SESS. I. CH. 530. AUGUST 14, 1935 .

615 recommending an aviation policy ", approved June 1`2, 1934, as amended (48 Stat . 933, 1243), is amended to read as follows : " S EC . 3 . (a) The Postm aster General i s authorized to award con- Contracts for ca rry- tracts for the transportation of air mail by airplane between such ,Contracts air mail . points as he may designate, and for initial periods of not exceeding ri Initial contract pe- three years, to the lowest responsible bidders tendering sufficient guara nty for fait hful per form ance in acco rdan ce w ith the term s of the advertisement at fixed rates per airplane-mile : Provided, That Righsos t low bidder where the Postmaster General holds that a low bidder is not to appeal if refused con. responsible or qualified under this Act, such bidder shall have the trac t. right to appeal to the Comptroller General, who shall speedily deter- mine the issue, and his decision shall be final : Provided further, of pa imnm base rate That the base rate of pay which may be bid and accepted in awarding such contracts shall in no case exceed 331/ 3 cents per airplane-mile for tran sporting a mail load not excee ding three hun dred pounds . Pay- Bas isofcompu tation . me nt for transp ortati on sha ll be at the base r ate fi xed in the c ontract for the first three hundred pounds of mail or fraction thereof plus one-tenth of such base rate for each additional one hundred pounds of mail or fraction the reof, computed at the end of each calendar month on the basis of t he average mai l load carried per mile over the rout e during such m onth, except t hat in no case shall payment exceed 40 cents per airplane-mile ." SEC. 2. Subsection (c) of section 3 of such Act is amended to read Vol .4s,p . 934. as follows "(c) If, in the opinion of the Postmaster General, the public inter- Route extensions. est requir es it, he ma y grant exten sions of any route : Pr ovi ded , Th at Proviso- the aggregate mileage of all such extensions on any route in effect at one t ime shall not e xceed two hund red and fifty m iles, and that the rate of pay for such extensions shall not be in excess of the rate per mile f ixed f or the servic e thus exten ded ." SEC . 3 . The first sentence of subsection (d) of section 3 of such Classification of routes . Act is amended to read as follows :

Vol.48,p.934 . " The Postmaster General may designate certain routes as primary Pr im ary or second- or as secondary routes . He shall designate as primary routes at ary may be designated . least three transcontinental routes, with such termini as he may deem advisable, and, in addition thereto, such other routes as he may con- side r in t he pub lic in terest, but n o rout e less than seven h undred and fifty miles in length shall be designated as a primary route : Pro- Provisos . omeroutes. vi ded, That the present routes from Seattle to San Diego and from Newark (or New York, as the case may be) to Miami, Florida, may be held and regarded as other than primary routes : Provided fur- Desig nated transcon- tine ntal routes incl ud- ther, That the Southern Transcontinental Route from Boston via ed as primary . New York (or Newark, as the case may be) and Washington to Los Angeles, shall be designated as a primary route ." SEC . 4 . Subsection (f) of section 3 of such Act is amended to read Vol. 48, p. 934. as follows " (f) The Postmaster General shall not award contracts for air- Mileage limitation, mail routes or ext end su ch rou tes in excess of an aggre gate o f thir ty- etc' two thousand miles, and shall not pay for air-mail transportation on such routes and extensions in excess of an annual aggregate of forty- five million airplane-miles . Subject to the foregoing, the Postmaster schedules, etc . General shall prescribe the number and frequency of schedules, inter- mediate regular stops, and time of departure of all planes carrying air mail, wi th due regard for the volume of mail carried over each route and fo r connecting s chedules, and h e may, under su ch regula- tions as he may prescribe, authorize and, notwithstanding any other provisions of this Act, compensate for a special schedule or an extra Emergency, etc., or emergency trip in addition to any regular schedule over air-mail trips.