Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/620

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74TH CONGRESS . SESS. I. CH. 508 . AUGUST 12, 1935 .

575 Railroad Retirement Board . Salaries anti Expenses : For each and every expense necessary to alr48 n de xpen ses . liquidate the affairs of the former Railroad Retirement Board, as Post, p . loss . established in section 9 of the Railroad Retirement Act, approved June 27, 1934, which is hereby reestablished to effect such liquida- tion, inclu ding c ompens ation of mem bers o f said Boar d and its employees heretofore and hereafter employed for services rendered from May 1 to 6, 1935, inclusive, and subsequently thereto but not beyond September 30, 1935 ; to pay any expense heretofore incurred by the Board and not yet paid, for the preparation of a report upon its activities and experiences to the President for transmission to Congress as contemplated in section 2 (b) of the Railroad Retirement Act, and for arranging for turning over the records, papers, and property of the Board to such agency as the President shall desig- nate, fiscal years 19 35 and 1936, $35,000 ; and in addition thereto refundment is hereby authorized to past and present members and emplo yees o f the Board of all compe nsatio n earn ed by them but withheld as employees' contribution to the Railroad 'Retirement Fund and deposited to the credit of said fund in the Treasury, and the a mount necess ary f or thi s purp ose is hereb y appr opriat ed fro m said fund : Provided, That no member of the Board or of its staff Proviso . shall be personally liable for any action heretofore taken within the Personal liability . terms of the authority sought to be granted by the Railroad Ret iremen t Act . R AIL ROAD RE TIRE MEN T BO ARD TARIFF COMMISSION Tariff Commission . Salaries and expenses : The sum of $19,000 of the unobligated Salaries expenses . 48, pp . 511027 . balance of the appropriation and other funds of $877,942 for salaries Ante, p . 16. and expenses of the United States Tariff Commission, 1935, c on- tai ned in the I ndepen dent O ffices Appro priati on Act , 1935, and the Emergency Appropriation Act, fiscal year 1935, is hereby continued available for the fiscal year 1936 , and the limitation of $570,000 on the amount which may be expended for personal services in the District of Columbia, contained in the Independent Offices Appropriation Act, 1936, under this head, is hereby increased to $908,000. Printing and binding : The sum of $1,000 of the unobligated bal- Printin g and binding . ance of the appropriation and other funds of $15,775 for printing sum of unexp ended and binding for the Tariff Commission, 1935, contained in the balance continued . Independent Offices Appropriation Act, 1935, and the Emergency Vol . 48, pp. 518,1027 . App ropria tion A ct, fi scal y ear 1935, is hereby continued available for the fiscal year 1936 . TEXAS CENTENNIAL EXPOSITION

Texas Centennial Ex- position . For the purpose of carrying into effect the provisions of the public pen Par es ticipation ex- res olutio n enti tled " Joint resolu tion p rovidi ng for the p artici pa- An te, p p .431,541,54 2. tion of the United States in the Texas Centennial Exposition and celebrations to be held in the State of Texas during the years 1935 and 1936, and authorizing the President to invite foreign countries and nations to participate therein, and for other purposes", approved June 28, 1935, and for each and every object thereof, and within the limits of the cost specified therein, $3,000,000, said sum s um for Texas Me- to include $300,000 toward the Texas Memorial Museum to be morial Museum . granted to the board of directors of such museum for expenditures for such purpose, to remain available until expended .