Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/549

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74TH CONGRESS . SESS . I. CHS . 418 420 . JULY 26, 1935 . Di sposal of rema in- SEC . 2. That the Secretary of War is hereby further authorized der .

to dispose of t he remainder of s aid reservation i n accordance with an d under t he applica ble provis ions and conditions of the Act Vol.44,p.203.

approved March 12, 1926 (44 Stat. 203), and may also include in Un sold portions may such disposition that portion of the reservation covered by section be included. 1 of this Act, if the Eagle Pass and Piedras Negras Bridge Com- pany shall not elect to acquire said portion or, having made such election, shall not consummate the purchase or accept tender of the deed and pay the consideration within such time as may be fixed by the Secretary of War. Ap prov ed, July 26, 1935 . [CHAPTER 419 .] AN ACT To further extend the period of time during which final proof may be offered [Public, No . 222 .]

by homestead and desert land entrymen . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the trymenHomestesa, etc., en- United States of America in Congress assembled, That section 1 of . Time extended for the Act entitled "A n Act to extend t he period of time during which offering final proof . V ol. 48, p. 274, final proof may be offered by homestead entrymen ", app roved May amended.

13, 1932, as amended, is amended by striking out "December 31, 1934 " and inserting in lieu thereof "December 31, 1935 ", Ap prov ed, July 26, 1935 . July 26, 1935. [S. 1065 .] July 26, 1936. [S.2965.] [Public, No . 223 .] Hawaiian H ome s Comm ission Act o f 1920 , amendments. Vol. 42, p. 109. HawaiianHomes Commission . Members, officers, comp ensati on . Removal . Vol. 31, p. 156. Residence and racial requirements . Vacancies. Chairman, executive officer, and other per- so nne l, S alarie s, etc . Terms of appointive members . [CHAPTER 420 .] AN ACT To amend the Hawaiian Homes Commission Act of 1920. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States o f America in Congress assembled, That section 202 of an Act entitled "Hawaiian Homes Commission Act of 1920 17 , approved July 9, 1921, be amended to read as follows " COMMISSION; MEMBERS, OFFICERS, COMP ENSATION . -(a ) T here is hereby established a Commission to be known as the Hawaiian Homes Commission', and to be composed of five members . The members s hall be ap pointed b y the Gove rnor and may be rem oved in the manner provided by section 80 of the Act entitled `An Act to provid e a Govern ment for the Territ ory of Ha waii' appr oved April 30, 1900. All of the members shall have been residents of the Territory of Hawaii at least three years prior to their appoint- ment and at lea st three of the m embers shall be d escendants of not less than one-f ourth part of the blood of the rac es inhabiting the Hawa iian Isla nds prev ious to 1 778 . "(b) Any vacancy in the office of an appointed member shall be filled in the same manner and under the limitations of this Act . " (c) One of the members shall be designated by the Governor as chairman . An executive officer and such clerical assistants as may be necessary shall be appointed by the Commission to serve at its pl e as u r e . The executive officer shall re ceive an annual s alary not to exceed $6,000 an d shall reside ha bitually at the m ajor Hawaiian Homes Settlement. Clerical assistants shall be paid in accordance with territorial practice for such services . The me mber s of the Commission shall serve wit hout pay, but shall receive actual expenses incurr ed by them in the discharge of the ir duties as such members . Of the originally appointed members one shall be appointed for a term of one year, one for a term of two years, one for a term of three years, one 'for a term of four years, one for a term of five years . Their successors shall hold office for terms of