Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/504

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7 4TH CONGRESS . SESS . I. CHS. 37 3, 374 . JULY 5, 8, 1935 .

459 SEC . 7. The corporation is hereby authorized and empowered to P rope rty righ ts . re ceive by devi se, bequest, d onation, or o therwise, eit her real or pe r- sonal property, and to hold the same absolutely or in trust and to invest, reinvest, and inanage the same in accordance with the provi- sions of its constitution and to apply said property and the income arising therefrom to the objects of its creation and according to the instructions of its donors . SEC . 8 . That said corporation shall on or before the 1st day of Janu- Re port to Congress. ary in each year make and transmit to Congress a report of its proceedings for the preceding calendar year, including a full and complete report of its receipts and expenditures

Provided, however,

Proviso : Not printed as pub- That said report shall not be printed as a public document .

lic document . SEC. 9. That as a condition precedent to the exercise of any power State, etc ., agents. or privilege herein granted or conferred, " The American National The ater and Academy " shall file in the office of the Secretary or the properly designated officer of each State or Territory or the Dis- trict of Columbia in which is located either its headquarters or branches or subdivisions thereof the name and post-office address of an autho rized agent upon whom legal process or demand agains t " The American National Theater and Academy " may be served . SEC. 10. That th e right to rep eal, alter, o r amend this Act is hereby Amendment . expressly reserved . Approved, July 5, 1935 . [CHAPTER 374 .] AN ACT July 8, 1935. Making appropriations for the Legislative Branch of the Government for the [H. R. 8021.1 fiscal year ending June 30, 1936, and for other purposes .

[Public, No. 200 .] Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the foll owing App op tiveon ` 4e s ums are appropri ated, ou t of any money i n the Tr easury n ot other - 1936 . wise appropriated, for the Legislative Branch of the Government for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1936, na mely SENATE SALARIES AND MILEAGE OF SENATORS OFFICE OF THE VIC E PRESIDENT CHAPLAIN Chaplain of the Senate, $1,680 . OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY Senate . Senators. For compensation of Senators $960,000 .

Compensation . Mi leage . For mileage of the President of the Senate and of Senators, $51,000 Allowance to P resf- and hereaft er the P resident of the Senate s hall be paid mil eage at dent of the Senate . th e same rate and in the same m anner as now allowed by law to Senators, Members of the House of Representatives, and Delegates in Congress . For compensation of officers, clerks, messengers, and others :

Officers, , cle rks, mes- sengers, Vice President's of- fice . Salaries : Secretary to the Vice President, $4,620 ; clerk, $2,400 ; c, secretary to, and assistant clerks-one $2,280, one $2,160 ; in all, $11,460 . Chaplain . Secretary's office . Salaries : Secretary of the Senate, including compensation as dis- Secretary, as sist ant s, bursing officer of salaries of Senators and of contingent fund of the clerks, e tc' Senate, $8,000 ; chief clerk, who shall perform the duties of reading