Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/489

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74T H CONGRESS. SESS. I. CHS . 357-359 . JULY 2, 1935 . erection fa ed ties, sustained by reason of any such use or occupancy . The privileges and u sages grante d by t he Sec retary of th e Inte rior s hall i nclude the temporary erection of tents for entertainment, hospitals, com- missaries and other subsistence quarters, and other purposes

and the

said Boy Scouts are hereby authorized to charge reasonable fees for the use of the same, and to sell articles at said commissaries, which sales shall be solely for the convenience of the participants in the jamboree . The net p rofits deriv ed fro m such sales or fe es shall be used exclusively to aid in meeting expenses incident to the said jamboree . The sale of foodstuffs in or about such tents or elsewhere upon the public spaces used by the Boy Scouts as author- ized by this bill, s hall be under th e superv ision of the he alth off icer of the Di strict of Co lumbia and i n acco rdance with regula tions to be prescribed by him . The use and erection of tents shall at all times be subject to the supervision of the fire marshal of the Dis- trict of Columbia and shall be subject to such regulations as he may prescribe . " The erection and use of tents for any purpose involving health or san itation shall be subject to the supervis ion of the heal th offic er of the District of Colu mbia and to such regulations a s he may prescr ibe ." Approved, July 2, 1935 . Supervision of Dis- trict officials. [CHAPTER 3 58 . ] AN ACT July 2, 1935 .

[H. R. 4123.] Providing for the payment of $15 to each enrolled Chippewa Indian of the Red [Public, No.194.1

Lake Band of Minnesota from the timber funds standing to their credit in the Treasury of the United States. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Red Lake Band of United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary Chippewa Indians, Minn .

of the Interior is authorized and directed to withdraw from the t, from Per at pribalfunds. nt Treasury so much as may be necessary of the principal timber fund on deposit to th e credit of the Red Lake Band of the Chippewa Indians of the State of Minnesota and to make therefrom payment of $15 to each enrolled Chippewa Indian of the Red Lake Band of Minnesota., immediately payable upon the passage of this Act under Ac cep tan ce, etc . suc h regu lation s as s uch Se cretar y shal l pres cribe . No payment shall be made under this Act until the Chippewa Indians of the Red Lake Band of Minnesota shall, in such manner as such Secre- tary shall prescribe, have accepted such payments and ratified the jeP toany lien etcub provisions of this Act . The money paid to the Indians under this Act shall not be subject to any lien or claim of whatever nature against any of said Indians. App roved, July 2, 193 5 . [CHAPTER 359 .] July 2, 1935.

AN ACT [H. R. 5809.1

To amend an Act entitled "An Act to control the manufacture, transportation, [Public, No . 195 .]

possession, and sale of alcoholic beverages in the District of Columbia ." Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives o f the United State s o f Americ a in C ongres s asse mbled, That s ubsect ions (g) and (h) of section 11 are amended by adding at the end of the first paragraph of each, the following

"All alcoholic beverages

offered for sale or sold by the holder of such licenses may be dis- played and dispensed in full sight of the purchaser " . Approved, July 2, 1935 . Al coholi c Bever age Con tro l Act, D. C., amendments . Vol. 48, pp. 325, 997. Post,p.899. Alcoholic beverages; display and sales.