Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/476

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7 4TH CON GRESS . SESS. I. CHS . 332-334 . JUNE 28, 1935 .

431 SEC . 2 . Th at section 1578, chapter LV, o f the Act approved March surveyor . 3, 1901 (31 Stat. 1424), entitled "An Act to establish a Code of Law amended . 31, p. 14 24, for the District of Columbia ", is hereby amended so as to read " The surveyor shall take and subscribe an oath or affirmation oath of office . Provision for furnish- before the Commissioners that he will faithfully and impartially ingbondrepealed . discharge the duties of his office, which oath shall be deposited with the Commissioners of the District of Columbia ." SEC . 3 . That section 1592 of said Code of Law for the District Assistant surveyor . of Columbia is amended so as to read :

Vol.31,p.1426. The assistant surveyor shall take the same oath his principal is Oath

duties- ,,d

e- re re- required to take, and may, during the continuance of his office, dis- pe aled . charge and perform any of the official duties of his principal ." SEC . 4. That said Code of Law for the District of Columbia is Recover y for Survey- or's errors . further amended by repealing in its entirety section 1597 thereof . Prov i si on repealed . SEC . 5 . All Acts or part of Acts inconsistent herewith are hereby Vol. 31, p.1427. Inconsist ent laws re- repealed .

pealed. Approved, June 28, 1935 . [ CHAPT ER 333 .] JOI NT R ESO LUTI ON June 28, 1935 . To provide revenue, and for other purp oses .

[It . J. Res. 324.] [Pub .Res., No. 36.] Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That title IV, Reva;ue e~ of1 9nd as amended, and parts I, II . III, and IV of title V, as amended, miscellaneous taxes continued. of the Revenue Act of 1932, are further amended by striking out Vol . 47, pp. 259, 270- " 1935 " wh erever appea ring t herei n, and inser ting in lie u ther eof 271- Postal rates. " 1937 ". Section 1001 (a), as amended, of the Revenue Act of 1932, vol . 47, p. 285; Vol . and section 2, as amended, of the Act entitled "An Act to extend 48'p .254. the gasol ine tax for one year, to modify postage rates on mail matter, and for other purposes ", approved June 16, 1933, are further amended by striking out " 1935 " wherever appearing therein, and insert ing in lieu thereof " 1 937 " . Approved, June 28, 1935 . [CHAPTER 334 .] JO INT RES OLUT ION Providing for the pa rti cip at ion of the Uni ted States in the Texas Centennial Exposition and celebrations to be held in the State of Texas during the years 1-935 and 1936, and authorizing the President to invite foreign countries and nations to participate therein, and for other purposes . Whereas there is to be held in the St ate of Texas during the years 1935 and 1936 an exposition and celebrations commemorating the historic period of Texas history and celebrating a century of independence and progress ; and Whereas the State of Texas, the city of Dallas, Texas, and the Texas Centennial Cen tral Exposition, a corporation , are making $9 .000,- 000 available for such exposition through appropriations and bond issues ; and Wh ereas such e xposit ion is comme morati ve of a hero ic and suc- cessful struggle to establish the independence of a Republic . and this ac complishment resulted from the efforts of patriotic Amer- icans of all sections of our country and led to the acquisition of territory extending far beyond the borders of Texas ; and June 28, 1935 . [S.J . Res . 131 .] [Pub . Res., No .37 .] Texas Centennial Exposition, 103 .5 and 1936. Preamble . Post, pp . 575, 1136.