Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/466

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7 4TH CONGRESS . SESS. I. CH. 291. JUNE 24, 1935 .

421 supplements, and printing and mailing same ; purchase of data for charts and sailing directions and other nautical publications ; books of reference and works and periodicals relating to hydrography, mar ine mete orol ogy, nav igat ion, sur veyi ng, ocea nogr aphy , an d te r- res tria l ma gnet ism, and to othe r pr ofes sion al and technical sub- jects co nnected with th e work of the Hydrographic Of fice, $93,000 . For contingent expenses of branch hydrographic offices at Boston, Branch offices- New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Norfolk, Savannah, New Orleans, San Francisco, Portland (Oregon), Portland (Maine), Chicago, Cleveland, Detroit, Buffalo, Duluth, Sault Sainte Marie, Seattle, Panama, San Juan (Puerto Rico), Los Angeles, Honolulu, and Galveston, including furniture, fuel, lights, works, and periodi- cals, relating to hydrography, marine meteorology, navigation, sur- veying, oceanography and terrestrial magnetism, stationery, mis- cellaneous articles, rent and care of offices, care of time balls, car fare and ferriage in visiting merchant vessels, freight and express charges, telegrams, and ether necessary expenses incurred in collect- ing the latest information for pilot charts, and for other purposes for which the offices were established, $12,160 . For services of necessary employees at branch offices, $47,220 . CONTINGENT AND MISCELLANEOUS EXPENSES, NAVAL OBSERVATORY

Naval Observatory . For professional and scientific books, books of reference, periodi- etc ibrary, apparatus, cals, engravings, photographs, and fixtures for the library ; for apparatus and instruments, and for repairs of the same ; for repairs to buildings (including quarters), fixtures, and fences ; for cleaning, repair, and upkeep of grounds and roads ; furniture and furnishings for offices and quarters, gas, chemicals, paints, and stationery, includ- ing transm ission of pub lic do cuments throu gh the S mithson ian exchange, foreign postage ; plants, seeds, and fertilizers ; for fuel, oil, grease, pipe , wire, and ot her materials n eeded for the m aintenance and repair of boilers, engines, heating apparatus, electric lighting and power, and water supply ; purchase and maintenance of teams ; maintenance, repair, and operation of motor trucks and passenger automobiles, and of horse- drawn vehicles ; telegr aph and telepho ne service ; and other absolutely necessary expenses, $21,500 . SEC . 2 . No part of any money appropriated by this Act shall be Government-owned automobiles . used for maintaining, driving, or operating any Government-owned Use restricted to of- motor-propelled passenger-carrying vehicle not used exclusively for ci business, Transportation be- official purposes ; and "official purposes" shall not include the trans- tree domicile and portation of officers and employees between their domiciles and places place o r employment . of employment except in cases of medical officers on out-patie nt medical service and except in cases of officers and employees engaged in field work the character of whose duties makes such transportation necessary and then only as to such latter cases when the same is approved by the head of the Department . This section shall not Exemptions . apply to any motor vehicle for official use of the Secretary of the Navy, and no other persons connected with the Navy Department or the naval service, except the commander in chief of the United States Asiatic Fleet ., Marine Corps officers serving with expeditionary forces in foreign countries, and medical officers on out-patient med- ical service, s hall have a Gov ernment-owned m otor vehicle a ssigned for their exclusive use . SEC. 3. During the fiscal year 1935 and thereafter, the words "per- oi"erm Ren t chin e manent change o f station as used in section 12 of the Act approved Vol . 41, p. 604; May 18, 192041 Stat . 604), as amended, shall be held to include the U. s. C.,p.266. home of an officer or man to which he is ordered in connection with retirement . Approved, June 24, 1935 .