Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/444

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7 4TH CONGRESS . SESS. I. CH. 291. JUNE 24, 1935.

399 intermittent employment in the District of Columbia or elsewhere of such exp erts and at such rates of comp ensation as may be con- tracted for by and in the discretion of the Secretary of the Navy ; expenses of courts martial, purchase of law and reference books, Courts martial, etc. expenses of prisoners and prisons, courts of inquiry, boards of inves- tigation, examining boards, clerical assistance ; witnesses' fees and traveling expenses ; not to exceed $15,000 for promoting accident Accident prevention prevention and safety in shore establishments of the Navy, to be mentshore establish- expended in the discretion of the Secretary of the Navy


and periodicals for the naval service ; all advertising of the Navy Department and its bureaus (except advertising for recruits for the Bureau of Navigation) ; costs of suits ; relief of vessels in distress ; recovery of valuables from shipwrecks ; maintenance of attaches abroad, including office rental and pay of employees, and not to exceed $9,000 in the aggregate or $450 for any one person for allow- an ces for living q uarters, includi ng heat, fuel, a nd ligh t, as au thor- Lives quarters, $rs, etc • ized by the Act approved June 26, 1930 (U. S. C., Supp. VII, title U.S.C.,p.45. 5, sec . 11Sa) ; the collection and classification of information ; not to exceed $175,000 for telephone, telegraph, and teletype rentals and tolls, telegrams, radiograms, and cablegrams ; postage, foreign and domestic and post-office box rentals ; necessary expenses for interned persons and prisoners of war under the jurisdiction of the Navy Department, including funeral expenses for such interned persons or prisoners of war as may die while under such jurisdiction ; payment of claims for damages as provided in the Act making appropria- Dam4agepcl ms. tions for the naval service for the fiscal year 1920, approved July u .

P' . 1550. 11, 1919 (U. S. C ., title 34, sec . 600) ; and other necessary and inci- dental expenses ; in all, $1,062,700, of which $2,500 shall be available immediately : Provided, That no part of any appro priat ion con- Restr iction on use in tained in this Act shall be available for the expense of any naval certain naval districts . district in which there may be an active navy yard, naval training station, or naval operating base, unless the commandant of the naval district shall be also the commandant of one of such establishments Provided further That the sum to be paid out of this appropria- Group Iv (5) e m- ploye es . tion for employees assigned to group IV (b) and those performing similar services carried under native and alien schedules in the Sc hedule of Wa ges fo r Civi l Empl oyees in the Field Servi ce of the Navy Department shall not exceed $511,500 . CONTIN GENT, NAVY

Conting ent, Navy . For all emergencies and extraordinary expenses, exclusive of per- sonal services in the Navy Department or any of its subordinate bureaus or offices at Washington, District of Columbia, arising at home or abroad, but impossible to be anticipated or classified, to be expended on the approval and authority of the Secretary of the Navy, and for such purposes as he may deem proper, and for exam- inat ion of e stimates for app ropriati ons and of nava l activi ties in the field for any branch of the naval service, $17,500, of which $2,500 shall be available immediately . CARE OF LEPERS, AND SO FORTH, ISLAND OF GUAM Naval station, island of Guam : For maintenance and ca re of lepers, special patients, and for other purposes, including cost of transfer of lepers from Guam to the island of Culion, in the Phil- ippines, and their maintenance, $20,000

for educational purposes,

$15,000 ; in all, $35,000 . Lepers . Care, etc ., Guam and Cullen, P . L