Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/426

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74TH CONGRESS . SESS. I. CH. 261. JUNE 15, 1935.

381 "SEC . 243 . All packages or containers in which wild animals or Marking of packages . birds, or the dead bodies or parts thereof, or the eggs of any such birds are shipped, transported, carried, brought, or conveyed, by any means whatever, from one State, Territory, or the District of Colum bia to , into, or th rough anothe r State , Terr itory, or th e Dist rict of Columbia, or to or from a foreign country shall be plainly and clearly marked or labeled on the outside thereof with the names and addresse s of the shippe r and consigne e and with an a ccurate state- ment showing by number and kind the contents thereof . " SEc . 244 . For each evasion or violation of, or failure to comply Penalty for viola- with, any provision of the three sections last preceding, any person, lions . firm, corporation, or association, upon conviction thereof, sha ll be punished by a fine of not more than $1,000 or by imprisonment for not more than six months, or both ." SEC . 202 . That any employee of the Department of Agriculture Enforcement provi- authorized by the Secretary of Agriculture to enforce the provisions sions. of said sections 242 and 243, and any officer of the customs, shall have power to arrest any person committing a violation of any provision of said sections in his presence or view and to take such pers on imm ediate ly for examin ation or tri al bef ore an office r or c ourt of competent jurisdiction ; shall have power to execute any warrant or other process issued by an officer or court of competent jurisdiction to enforce the provisions of said sections ; and shall have authority to execute any warrant to search for and seize wild animals or birds, or the dead bodies or parts thereof, or the eggs of such birds, delivered or received for shipment, transportation, or carriage, or shi pped , tr ansp orte d, c arri ed, brou ght, conveyed, purchased, or received in violation of said sections 242 and 243 . Any judge of a Warra nts to issue . court established under the laws of the United States or any United States commissioner may, within his jurisdiction, upon proper oath or affirmati on showing pro bable cause, is sue warrants in all such Seizures authorized. cases . Wild animals or birds, or the dead bodies or parts thereof, or the eggs of such birds, delivered or received for shipment, trans- portation, or carriage, or shipped, transported, carried, brought, conveyed, purchased, or received contrary to the provisions of said sections 242 and 243 shall, when found, be taken into possession and custody by any such employee or by the United States marshal or his deputy, or by any officer of the customs, and held pending dispo- sition thereof by the court ; and when so taken into possession or custody, upon conviction of the offender or upon judgment of a court of the Unite d States that the same were d elivered or rec eived for shipment, transportation, or carriage, or were shipped, transported, carried, bro ught, conveyed , purchased, or received contr ary to any provision of said sections 242 and 243, or were imported in violation of any law of the United States, as a part of the penalty and in addition to any fine or imprisonment imposed under aforesaid section 244, or otherwise, shall be forfeited and disposed of as directed by the court . TI TLE III-ACQUISITION OF LANDS FOR MIGRATORY A c q uisition of lands BIRD REFUGES

for refuges. SECTION 301 . That section 6 of the Migratory Bird Conservation Act, approved February 18, 1929 (45 Stat . 1222), is amended to read as follows "SEC. 6 . That the Secretary of Agriculture may do all things and make all expenditures necessary to secure the safe title in the United States to the areas which may be acquired under this Act, but no payment shall be made for any such areas until the title thereto shall Vol.45,p.1223;U.S. C.,p.657. Expendi tures to ac. qui re title s, etc .