Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/406

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74TH CONGRESS . SESS . I. CH. 241. JUNE 14, 1935 .

361 The disbursing officer of the District of Columbia is authorized to advance to the chief probation officer of the juvenile court upon requisition p reviously approve d by the judge of the juvenile cou rt and the auditor of the District of Columbia, sums of money not to exceed $50 at any one time, to be expended for transportation and traveling expenses to secure the return of absconding probationers, and to be accounted for mon th ly on itemized vouchers to the accounting officer of the District of Columbia . Salaries : For personal services, $100,550. For law books, books of reference, directories, periodicals, sta- tionery, pres ervation of recor ds, typewriters a nd repairs theret o, fuel, ice, gas, electric lights and power, telephone service, laundry work, removal of ashes and rubbish, mops, brooms, buckets, dusters, spong es, p ainte r's a nd plu mber' s sup plies, toil et ar ticles , med icine s, soap and disinfectants, lodging and meals for jurors and bailiffs when ordered by the court, United States flags and halyards, and all other necessary and incidental expenses of every kind not otherwise provided for, $5,100, of which not exceeding $750 shall be available for telephone and telegraph service . For witness fees and compensation of jurors, $22,500 . For repairs and alterations to building, $1,500 . MUNICIPAL COURT Advances authorized for returning, etc ., ab- sconding probationers . POL ICE CO URT

Police Court . Salaries . Contingent expenses . witness le es and jurors' compensation . Repairs to building . Municipal Court . Salaries- For personal services, including compensation of five judges withou t reference to th e limitation in t his Act restricti ng salar ies w ithin the grade, $77, 170 . For compensation of jurors, $6,000 : Provided, That deposits made on demands for jury trials in accordance with rules prescribed by the court under authority granted in section 11 of the Act approved March 3, 1921 (41 Stat ., p . 1312), shall be earned unless, prior to three days before the timee set for such trials, including Sundays and legal holiday s, a new date for trial be set by the court, cases be discontinued or settled, or demands for jury trials be waived . For contingent expenses, including books, law books, books of reference, fuel, light, telephone, lodging and meals for jurors, and for deput y United States m arshals while in attendance upon j urors, when ordered by the court ; fixtures, repairs to furniture, building and building equipment, and all other necessary miscellaneous items and supplies, $3,250, SUPREME COURT, DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Salaries : For the chief justice, eight associate justices, nine stenog- raphers (one for the chief justice an d one for each associate justice), and other personal services, $133,700 . Fees of jurors and witnesses : For mileage and per diem of jurors, for mileage and per diem of witnesses and for per diem in lieu of subsistence, and payment of the expenses of witnesses in said court as provided by section 850, Revised Statutes (U . S. C ., title 28, sec . 604), $85,000 . For not exceeding twenty deputy marshals who act as bailiffs, Pose,Ps , etc . 1613. clerks of jur y commissioners, and per diems of jury commissioner s, and for expe nses of m eals and lodg ing for juror s in Uni ted State s cases, an d of bailiffs in attendance upon s ame when ordered by the court, $37,400 : Provided, That the compensation of each jury com- missioner for the fiscal year 1936 shall not exceed $ 250 . Salaries . Jurors'compensation. Proviso . Deposits for jur y trials earned unless new date set . Vol.41,p.1312. Contingent expenses . District Supreme Court . Salaries . Jurors and witnesses . R.S.,sec.850,p.160. Vol. 44, p. 323. U. S.C.,p.1295. Proviso. Jury commissioners .