Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/401

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74TH CONGRESS . SESS. I . CH. 241. JUNE 14, 1935. Navy officersf eta,,ad-- The children of officers and men of the United States Army, Navy, mitted free .

and Marine Corps, and children of other employees of the United States stationed outside the District of Columbia shall be admitted Rest riction on sal ary to the public schools without payment of tuition : Provided, That paym ents .

hereafter no part of any appropriation for the public schools shall be avai lable for t he pay ment of the sala ry of any p erson teach ing or advocating Communism . build airs, etc ., to For repairs and improvements to school buildings and grounds, repairing and renewing heating, plumbing, and ventilating appa- rat us, instal lation and repair of electric equipment, and insta llation of sanitary drinking fountains, and maintenance of motor trucks, including not to exceed $1,950 for the purchase of two one and one-half ton trucks, $420,950, of which amount $100,000 shall be immediately available . School-yard play- For the purchase, installation, and maintenance of equipment, for grounds . P roviso .

school yards for the purposes of play of pupils, $7,000 : Provided, Hours of opening . That such playgrounds shall be kept open for play purposes in accordance with the schedule maintained for playgrounds under the jurisdiction of the playground department . BUI LDINGS AND GRO UNDS For the construction of an eight-room building on the old John F . Cook School site, $110,000. For the construction of an addition to the Eliot Junior High School , inc luding ten classr ooms and on e gym nasium , $17 5,000 . For the construction of an eight-room addition to the Randall Junior High School, including remodeling of the present heating plant, $100,000 . For beginning construction of an addition to the Anacostia Junior High School to be used for senior high school pupils, $250,000, and the Commissioners are authorized to enter into contract or contracts for said construct ion at a c ost not to exceed $3 50,000 . For the completion of construction, and for improvement of grounds of the Woodrow Wilson High School, $70,000 . For improvements at the Armstrong High School, $70,000 . For the purchase of additional land at the Phelps Vocational School for elementary-school purposes, $55,000 . In all, $830,000, to be immediately available and to be disbursed and accounted for as " Buildings and grounds, public schools ", and for that purpose shall constitute one fund and remain available until expended : Provided, That no part of this appropriation shall be used for or on account of any school building not herein specified . No part of the foregoing appropriations for public schools shall be used for instructing children under five years of age except children entering during the first half of the school year who will be five years of age by November 1, 1935, and children entering during the second half of the school year who will be five years of age by March 15, 1936 : Provided, That this limitation shall not be considered as preventing the employment of a matron and the care of children under school age at the Webster School whose parent or parents are in attendance in connection with Americanization work . . None of the money appropriated by this Act shall be paid or obligated toward the construction of or addition to any building the whole and entire construction of which, exclusive of heating, l ightin g, pl umbing , pai nting, and treatm ent o f grou nds, shall not have been awarded in one or a single contract, separate and apart from any other contract, project, or undertaking, to the lowest responsible bidder complying with all the legal requirements as to . School buildings and grounds. John F. Cook site. Eliot Junior addition. High , Randall Junior High, addi tion . Anacostia Junior High, addition . Woodrow Wilson High . Armstrong High. Phelps Voc ational , additional site . Aggregate ; accounted for as one fund. Provi so. Use for unauthorized project s forbi dden . Under-age instruc- tion pr ohibite d . Proviso . Webster School Amer ica niza tio n wo rk excepted. Building contract re- quirements.