Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/387

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342 No reduction in fi xed salari es . Vol . 42, p. 1490 ; U.S.C.,p.86. Transfer to another position without pay reduction . Higher rates permit- ted . If only one position ina grade. Purchasing division, Building inspection division . Plumbing inspection division . Public convenience stations . Maintenance . Care of District Building. O peratin g force . Provis o. Employment of ad- ditional assistant en- gineers or watchmen . Operating supplies . Assessor's office. Col lect or's off ice . Auditor's office . Pers onal se rvices . Present disburs ing officer permitted other duties . Corporation Coun- sel's office . Extra pay, Public Util ities C ommiss ion. Post, p. 576 . Alcoholic Bev erage Control Board . Salaries and expenses . Pu rchase of supp lies . Coroner's office. Personal services. U.S.C.,p.85. Morgue, etc ., penses . Post, p. 576 . 74TH C ONGRES S . SESS. I. CH. 241. JUNE 14.1935. service ; (2) to require the reduction in salary of any person whose compensation was fixed, as of July 1, 1924, in accordance with the rules of sectio n 6 of such Act ; (3) to require the red uction in salar y of any person who is transferred from one position to another posi- tion in the sam e or different grade in the sa me or a differe nt bureau, office, or other appropriation unit ; (4) to prevent the payment of a salary under any grade at a rate higher than the maximum rate of the grade when such higher rate is permitted by the Classification Act of 1923, as amended, and is specifically authorized by other law

or (5) to reduce the compensation of any person in a grade in which only one posi tion is allo cated . Purc hasing div ision : For pers onal ser vice s, $ 57,00 0 . Building inspection division : For personal services, $111,360. Plumbing inspection division : For personal services, $37,390 ; two members of plumbing board at $150 each ; in all, $37,690 . PUBLIC CONVENIENCE STATIONS For maintenance of public convenience stations, including com- pensation of necessary employees, $14,000 . CARE OF THE DISTRICT BUILDING For personal services, including temporary labor, and service of cleaners as necessary at not to exceed 48 cents per hour, $93,580

Provided, That no other appropriation made in this Act shall be avail able for t he employm ent of add itional as sistant en gineers o r watchmen for the care of the District Building . For fuel, light, power, repairs, laundry, and miscellaneous sup- plies, $28,300 . ASSESSORS OFFICE For personal services, $225,000 . COLLT°C TORS Or' r'1 CE For pers onal ser vices , $4 5,65 0 . AUDITORS OFFICE For personal services, $124,700 ; and the compensation of the pres- ent incumbent of the position of disbursing officer of the District of Columbia shall be exclusive of his compensation as United States property and disbursing officer for the National Guard of the Dis- trict of Columbia . OFFI CE OF COR PORA TION COUN SEL Corporation counsel, including extra compensation as general counsel of the Public Utilities Commission, and other personal serv- ices, $99,520. ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE CONTROL BOARD For personal services, street-car and bus transportation, telephone service, not exceeding $ 50 0 for the purch ase of sa mples, and other necessary contingent and miscellaneous expenses, $40,150 . CORONERS OFFICE For personal services, including deputy cor oners, in accordance with the Classification Act of 1923, as amended, $10,180 . ex- For the maint enance of a non-pass enger-carr ying motor wagon for the mor gue, juro rs' fees , wi tness ' fe es, ice, dis infe ctant s, t elep hone service, and other necessary supplies, repairs to the morgue, and the