Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/382

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74Th CO NGR ESS . SESS. I. CHS . 219, 220. JUNE 13, 1935 .

337 [C HAP TER 219.] AN ACT June 13, 1935 . To further extend relief to water users on United States reclamation projects and [x.1305 .1 on Indian irrigation projects.

[Public, No. 129.] Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United S tates of America i n Congress assemble d, SEC. 1 . That all of the provisions of the Act entitled "An Act to further extend the operation of the Act entitled `An Act for the temporary relief of water users on irrigation projects constructed and operated under the reclamation law , approved April 1, 1932 ", approved March 27, 1934 be, and all of the provisions thereof are hereby, further extended for the period of one year . SEC . 2 . The Secretary of the Interior is authorized and directed to extend to water users on Indian irrigation projects during the cal- endar years 1934 and 1935 like relief to that provided in the Acts of January 26th, 1933 (47 Stat . 776), and March 3, 1933 (47 Stat . 1427), applicable to the calendar years 1931, 1932, and 1933 . Approved, June 13, 1935 . [CHAPTER 220 .] 104019'-36-22 Reclamation proj- ects . Further extension of payments for water charges, authorized . Vol. 48, p. 500 . P ost, p. 1207 . Water users on In- dian irrigation projects. Pa ymen ts deferred. Vol . 47, pp. 776, 1427. AN ACT

June 13, 1935 . Providing for the suspension of annual assessment work on mining claims held [S . 2536 .] by location in the United States . Be it enacted by the Senate and House o f Representatives o f the United States o f America in Congress assembled, That the provision Public lands . of section 2324 of the Revised Statutes of the United States, which sesssme en ntss,suspended requires on each mining cl aim locate d, and un til a pat ent has b een i•R s~sec . year

. 2324, p5426. issued therefor, not less than $100 worth of labor to be performed or U. s.C.,p.1333. improvements aggregating such amount to be made each year, be, and the same is hereby, suspended as to all mining claims in the United States during the year beginning at 12 o'clock meridian July 1, 1934, and ending at 12 o'clock meridian July 1, 1935


Provisos . C

330 That the provisions of this Act shall not apply in the case of any empl r'from mtFedert

e al in claimant not entitled to exemption from the payment of a Federal come tax excluded. income tax for the taxable year 1934 : Provided further, That every claimant of any s uch minin g claim, i n order t o obtain the benef its of this Act, shall file, or cause to be filed, in the office where the loca- tion notice or certificate is recorded, on or before 12 o'clock meridian, July 1, 1935, a notice of his desire to hold said mining claim under this Act, which notice shall state that the claimant, or claimants, were entitled to exemption from the payment of a Federal income tax for the taxable year 1934 : And provided further, That such sus- . Number of lode-min- pension of assessment work shall not apply to more than six lode- lug claims limited . mining claims held by the same person, nor to more than twelve lode-mining claims held by the same partnership, association, or corporation : end provided further, That such suspension of assess- ment work shall not apply to more than six placer-mining claims not to exceed one hundred and twenty acres (in all) held by the same person, not to more than twelve placer-mining claims not to exceed two hund red and f orty acre s (in all) held by the same partnersh ip, association, or corporation . Approved, June 13, 1935 . [Public, No. 129.1 No tice to be filed . Placer-mining claims .