Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/319

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74TH CONGRESS . SESS . I . CH. 131. MAY 17, 1935. affecting irrigation ; snow surveys and forecasts of irrigation water supplies, and the drainage of farms and of swamps and other wet lands which may be made available for agricultural purposes ; for preparing plans for the removal of surplus water by drainage ; for developing equipment for farm irrigation and drainage ; for investi- gating and reporting upon farm domestic water supply and drain- age disposal, upon the design and construction of farm buildings and their appurtenances and of buildings for processing and storing farm products ; upon farm power and mechanical farm equipment ; upon the engineering problems relating to the processing, transporta- tion, and storage of perishable and other agricultural products ; and upon the engineering problems involved in adapting physical charac- vol.4s Cotton .p. M. ginning .

teristics of farm land to the use of modern farm machinery ; for u.S. C., p. 144. invest igati ons of cott on gin ning under the A ct app roved April 19, 1930 (U. S . C ., Supp . VII, title 7, sets . 424, 425) ; for giving expert advice and assist ance in agr icult ural e ngine ering ; fo r co ll ati ng , reporting, and illustrating the results of investigations and prepar- ing, publishing, and distributing bulletins, plans, and reports ; and for other necessary expenses, including travel, rent, repairs, and not to e xceed $5,0 00 for con struction of buildin gs, $385,6 69 . t Services in the nix . Total, Bureau of Agricultural Engineering, $423,269, of which amount not to exceed $150,469 may be expended for personal services in the D istrict of Columbia, and not t o exceed $ 5,7 50 sha ll be avai l- able for the purchase of motor-propelled and horse-drawn passenger- carrying vehicles necessary in the conduct of field work outside the Dist rict o f Col umbia . Agricultural E c o - nom ics Bu reau . BUREAU OF AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS General expenses .

SALARIES AND EXPENSES Sal arie s, s uppl ies, etc . For salaries and the employment of labor in the city of Washing- ton and elsewhere, furniture, supplies, traveling expenses, rent out- side the District of Columbia, and all other expenses necessary in conduc ting invest igations, ex periments, a nd demonstr ations as follows General administra- ti ve expe nses . General administrative expenses : For necessary expenses for gen- eral administrative purposes, including the salary of chief of bureau and other personal services in the District of Columbia, $236,306 . Fa rm management Farm management and practice : To investigate and encourage and practice . the adoption of improved methods of farm management and farm practice, and for ascertaining the cost of production of the principal staple agricultural products, $344,080 . Marketing and die. Marketing and distributing farm products : For acquiring and tributing farm prod- uc ts. diffusing among the people of the United States useful information, on subje cts connec ted with t he marketi ng, handli ng, utiliz ation, gra d- ing ,tra nsport ation , and distr ibutin g of farm a nd no nmanuf actur ed food products and the purchasing of farm supplies, including the Promoting uniform demonstration and promotion of the use of uniform standards of st andards ' classification of American farm products throughout the world, including scientific and technical research into American-grown cotton and its byproducts and their present and potential uses, including new and additional commercial and scientific uses for Cotton and byprod- cot ton a nd its bypr oducts , and inclu ding invest igati ons of cott on n research . Vol oap.24a

ginning under the Act approved April 19, 1930 (U . S . C ., Supp . U. s. C., p .144. VII, title 7, sees . 424, 425), and for collecting and disseminating information on the adjustment of production to probable demand for the different farm and animal products, independently and in co_ operation with other branches of the Department, State agencies, purchasing and consuming organizations, and persons engaged in