Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/306

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74TH CONGRES S . SESS . I. CH. 131. MAY 17, 1935 . of the manufa cturers and of the pers ons by whom the cultur es were offered for sale, $39,854 . Sugar-plant investigations : For sugar-plant investigations, includ- ing studies of diseases and the improvement of sugar beets and sugar- beet seed, $312,079 . Tobacco investigations : For the investigation and improvement of tobacco and the methods of tobacco production and handling, $137,744 . Western irrigation agriculture : For investigations in connection with western irrigation agriculture, t he utilization of lands r eclaimed under the Reclamation Act, and other areas in the arid and semiarid regions, $122,527. Total, Bureau of Plant Industry, $4,998,497, of which amount not to exceed $1,691,221 may be expended for departmental personal services in the District of Columbia and not to exceed $15,675 shall be available for the purchase of motor-propelled and horse-drawn passenger-carrying vehicles necessary in the conduct of field work outside the District of Columbia . FOREST SERVICE SALARIES AND EXPENSES Wes te rn agriculture. Utilizing lands . Services in the Dis- trict . Fore st Se rvice . General expenses . irrigation reclaimed To enable the Secretary of Agriculture to experiment and to make and continue investigations and report on forestry, national forests, forest fires, and hi mbering, but no part of this appropriation shall Stat estricted to United be used for any experiment or test made outside the jurisdiction of the United States ; to advise the owners of woodlands as to the proper care of the same ; to investigate and test American timber an d timber trees and thei r uses, and met hods fo r the pr eservat ive treatment of timber ; to seek, through investigations and the planting of native and foreign spec ies, suitable trees for t he treeless regions ; to erect necessary buildings : Provided, That the cost of any build- ing purchased, erected, or as improved, exclusive of the cost of con- structin g a wat er-suppl y or sa nitary s ystem a nd of co nnectin g the same with any such building, and exclusive of the cost of any tower upon which a lookout house may be erected, shall not exceed $2,500 ; to pay all expenses necessary to protect, administer, and improve the national forests, including tree planting in the forest reserves to prevent erosion, drift, surface wash, and soil waste and the for- mation o f flood s, and i ncludin g the pa yment o f reward s under reg- ulations of the Secretary of Agriculture for information leading to the arrest and conviction for violation of the laws and regulations relating to fires in or he ar national forests, or f or the unlawful tak- ing of, or injury to Government property ; to ascertain the natural conditions upon and utilize the national forests, to transport and care for fish and game supplied to stock the national forests or the waters therein ; to employ agents, clerks, assistants, and other labor required in practical forestry and in the administration of national forests in the city of Washington and elsewhere ; to collate, digest, report, and illustrate the results of experiments and investigations made by the Forest Service ; to purchase necessary supplies, appa- ratus, office fixtures, law books, reference and technical books and technical journals f or officers of the Forest Service stationed outsid e of Washington, and for medical supplies and services and other assistance necessary for the immediate relief of artisans, laborers, and other employees engaged in any hazardous work under the Forest Service : Provided further, That the appropriations for the work of the Forest Service shall be available for meeting the expenses of warehouse maintenance and the procurement, care, and handling Experiments, etc. Post, p . 1617. Provisos . Cost of buildin gs . Protecting, etc., na- tional forests . Car e of fish and game . Sup plies, etc . Warehouse nance . 261 Sug ar plant inv esti - gat ions . Tob ac co investiga- tions . maint e-