Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/300

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74TH CONGRESS . SESS. I. CH. 131. MAY 17, 1935 . culture to collect and disseminate information concerning livestock and animal products ; to prepare and disseminate reports on animal industry ; to employ and pay from the appropriation herein made as many persons in the city of Washington or elsewhere as he may deem necessary ; to purchase in the open market samples of all tuberculin, serums , anti toxins , or a nalogo us pro ducts, of fo reign or dom estic manufacture, which are sold in the United States, for the detection, prevention, treatment, or cure of diseases of domestic animals, to test the same, and to disseminate the results of said tests in such manner as he may deem best ; to purchase and destroy diseased or exposed animals, including poultry, or quarantine the same whenever in his judgment essential to prevent the spread of pleuropneumonia, tuber- culosis, contagious poultry diseases, or other diseases of animals frown one State to another, as follows General administrative expenses : For necessary expenses for gen- eral administrative purposes, including the salary of chief of bureau and other personal services in the District of Columbia, $178 ;220 . Inspection and quarantine : For inspection and quarantine work, including all necessary expenses for the eradication of scabies in sheep and cattle, the inspection of southern cattle, the supervision of the tra nsportat ion of l ivestock , and th e inspec tion of vessels , the execution of the twenty-eight hour law, the inspection and quaran- ti ne of import ed ani mals, includ ing th e esta blishm ent an d main te- nance of quarantine stations and repairs, alterations, improvements, or additions to buildings thereon ; the inspection work relative to the existence of contagious diseases, and the mallein testing of animals, $681,174 . Eradicating tuberculosis : For investigating the diseases of tuber- culosis and paratuberculosis of animals, and avian tuberculosis, for their control and eradication, for the tuberculin testing of animals, and for researches concerning the causes of the diseases, their modes of spread, and methods of treatment and prevention, including dem- on strati ons, t he for mation of or ganiza tions, and s uch ot her me ans as may be necessary, either independently or in cooperation with farmers, associations, or State, Territory, or county authorities, $2,631,616, of which $1,131,616 shall be set aside for administrative and operating expenses and $1,500,000 for the payment of indem- nities : Provided, That in carrying out the purpose of this appro- priation, if in the opinion of the Secretary of Agriculture it shall be necessary to condemn and destroy tuberculous or paratuberculous cattle, if such animals have been destroyed, condemned, or die after condemnation, he may, in his discretion, and in accordance with such rules and regulations as he may prescribe, expend in the city of Washington or elsewhere such sums as he shall determine to be ne cessar y, wit hin th e limi tation s abov e prov ided, for th e paym ent of indemnities, for the reimbursement of owners of such animals, in cooperation with such States, Territories, counties, or municipal- ities, as shall by law or by suitable action in keeping with its author- ity in the matter, and by rules and regulations adopted and enforced in pursuance thereof, provide inspection of tuberculous or para- tuberculous cattle and for compensation to owners of cattle so con- demned, but no part of the money hereby appropriated shall be used in compensating owners of such cattle except in cooperation with and supplementar y to payments to be made by St ate, Territory, county, or municipality where condemnation of such cattle shall take place, nor shall any payment be made hereunder as compensation for or on account of any such animal if at the time of inspection or test, or at the time of condemnation thereof, it shall belong to or be upon the premises of any person, firm, or corporation to which 255 Collecting, etc ., live- st ock information . Pay of employees. Tuberculin, serums, etc . Purchase and de- struction of diseased animals . Pleuropneumonia, etc . Gen eral admi nistra . tive expenses. Inspection and quar- antine work . Mallein testing of animals . Eradicating tubercu- losis, etc . Methods, etc . Provisos . Indemnities for ani- mals destroyed. Cooperation wit h States, etc.