Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/227

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182 Judges of Indian cou rts . Police . Suppressing 11 q u o r, etc ., traffic. Agency buildings . Lease, purchase, re- pair, etc . Tribal organizatio ns, expenses. Vol.48, p.984. Vehicles, mainte- nance, etc. Official business only . Emergency allow- ance for fire, etc., dam- ages . Prov iso . Report of diversions to Congress . Attendance at meet- ings . Indian lands. Pueb lo India ns, N. Mex. L and and wat er ri g ht s ; reap propr iation from tribal fu nds . Vol.48,p.367. Post, p. 1764 . Pr oviso . Tesuque Pueblo . 74TIl CONGRESS . SESS. I. CH. 101 . MAY 9, 1935 . For pay of judges of Indian courts where tribal relations now exist, at rates to be fixed by the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, $15,000 . For pay and expenses of Indian police, including chiefs of police at not to exceed $70 per month each and privates at not to exceed $50 per month each, to be employed in maintaining order, and for purchase of equipment and supplies, $117,390 . For the suppression of the traffic in intoxicating liquors and deleterious drugs among Indians, $55,880 . For lease, purchase, repair, and improvement of agency buildings, exclusive of hospital buildings, including the purchase of necessary lands and the installa tion, re pair, an d improv ement o f heatin g, light - ing, power, and sewerage and water systems in connection therewith, $144,200. For expenses of organizing Indian chartered corporations, or other tribal organizations, in accordance with the provisions of the Act of June 18, 1934 (48 Stat., p. 986), in clu ding pe rso nal ser vic es, purchase of equipment and supplies, not to exceed $10,000 for print- ing and binding, and other necessary expenses, to be immediately available, $150,000, of which not to exceed $30,000 may be used for personal services in the District of Columbia . Vehicles, Indian Service : Not to exceed $290,000 of applicable appro priati ons ma de her ein fo r the Bureau of In dian A ffairs shall be av ailabl e for the ma intena nce, r epair, and o perati on of motor- prope lled a nd hor se-dra wn pas senger -carry ing ve hicles for t he use of employees in the Indian field service, and the transportation of Indian school pupils, and not to exceed $160,000 of applicable appro- priations may be used f or the purchase and exchange o f motor- propelled passenger-carrying vehicles, and that such vehicles shall be used only for official service, including the transportation of India n scho ol pup ils . Replacement of property destroyed by fire, flood, or storm : That to meet possible emergencies not exceeding $50,000 of the appropria- tions made by this Act for support of reservation and nonreservation sch ools, for sc hool a nd age ncy bu ilding s, and for c onserv ation of health among Indians shall be available, upon approval of the Secre- tary of the Interior, for replacing any buildings, equipment, sup- plies, livestock, or other property of those activities of the Indian Ser vice above ref erred to w hich may be destroyed or rend ered unserviceable by fire, flood, or storm : Provided, That any diversions of approp riatio ns mad e here under shall be rep orted to Con gress in the annual Budget . Authorization for attending health and educational meetings : Not to exceed $7,000 shall be available from applicable funds for expenses (not membership fees) o f employees of the Indian Serv ice when authorized by the Secretary of the Interior to attend meetings of me dical, h ealth, e ducation al, agri cultural , forest ry, eng ineering , and industrial associations in the interest of work among the Indians . INDIAN LANDS Purchase of land and water rights, and so forth, Pueblo Indians, New Mexico (tribal funds) : The unexpended balances of appropri- ations heretofore made, from the trust funds of the several pueblos, for the purchase of land and water rights, purchase of equipment fo r indu strial advan cement and f encing , irri gating , and improv ing la nds, a re her eby co ntinue d avai lable for th e same purpo ses un til June 30, 1936 : Pro vid ed, That the unexpended balances of funds aw arded to the Tesuq ue Pue blo an d auth orized to be used for wa ter