Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/2267

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INDEX. clxxxi "War Minerals Relief Statutes." See Page. i Washington Aqueduct, D. C ., appropria- l 'age. War Minerals Relief Act. Warner Bushkill Creek, N. Y ., examina- tion authorized _________ - - - - - - - - --- 1592 Warrior River, Ala., improvement au- thorized ________________________ _ 1033 Wasatch National Forest, Utah: Appropriation for acquisition of addi- tionalland________------------- 1440 Control of soil erosion and flood damage in ____________________________ _ 866 Washington: Appropriation for- Grand Coulee Dam, construction ___ _ 1784 Indians, support, etc., oL ____ 186, 189, 193, 194, 1767 , 1768, 1771, 1772 , 1777 , 1778 McNeil, Gertrudis, and Pitt Islands, acquisition of land on, by Attor- ney GeneraL_________________ 1120 Mount Rainier National Park, ad- ministration, etc _ ________ __ 208, 1793 National forest administration _____ - 262, 1437, 1438 Puget Sound, navy yard, construc- tion at __________________ - ___ - 598 Yakima irrigation project_ _ 199, 1782, 1784 Bridge authorized across Snake River, atClarkston____--------------- 27 Chelan National Forest, boundary ad- justment______________________ _ 508 Ediz Hook I~ighthouse Reservation, salc of portion of, to Port Angeles _____ - 309 Flood-control projects authorizcd_ _ __ _ 1589, 1590, 1591, 1592 Marysville School District, Snohomish County, improvements, etc., sum authorized ___________________ 329,584 McNeil, Gertrudis, and Pitt Islands, acquisition by Attorney GeneraL __ Queets, school improvcments, etc., Bum 508 authorizcd ___________________ 330,584 River and harbor improvements author- ized _______________________ 1038,1039 Preliminary examinations authorized- Goldsborough Crcek_____________ 683 Rivers, various ________ 1047 ,1595,1596 Walla Walla River______________ 1260 Yakima River__________________ 1260 Stevens County, public school im- provemcnts authorized_ _ _ _ _ _____ 1273 Time extended for bridging Pugct Sound, at The Narrows _________ _ White Swan School District, Yakima County, improvements, etc., sum 907 authorized __________________ . 330, 584 Whitman National Monumcnt, estab- lishment oL ___________________ . 2028 Washington-Alaska Military Cable and Telegraph System, appropriation for operation, etc., expenses ______ - - __ _ _ 145 tion for __________________ 579,1615,1885 Washington, D. C . See also District of Columbia. Flood-control project authorizcd _____ _ Harbor improvement authorized _____ _ Model basin establishmcnt, construc- tion authorized________ - - - - - - - - - Naval radio reeeh-ing station, etc., con- struction authorized ____________ _ Appropriation for improvements ___ _ Salomon, Haym, memorial erection to, authorized; approval of site and dcsign ____________________ - _. _- Washington Gas Light Co., D. C ., merger with Georgetown Gaslight Co., authorized ______________________ _ Washington, George, publieation of writ- 1574 1031 1263 156 1412 1895 1268 ings oL ___ __ ______ __ __ ________ __ _ 38 Timc extcnded for completion oL_ _ ___ 1896 Washington Home {or Incurables, D. C, appropriation fOL ______________ 365 ,IS79 Washington Island, Wis., channel exami- nation authorizcd_ _ ______ __ __ ____ _ 1046 Washington-Lincoln Memorial Gettys- burg Boulevard: Commission, establishment, mcmber- ship __________________________ _ Appropriation authorized _________ _ Duration _______________________ _ Personal services, travel, ett'., ex- penscs ______________________ _ Plans, preparation of _____________ _ Report to Congress ______________ _ State, etc., construction under :Federal supervision ____________________ . Payment from certain Statc, etc., al- located funds ________________ _ Water Conservation, etc., amount for work relief projects_______________ _ Wateree River, S. C., examination author- ized ____________________________ _ Water Power. See Federal PO\wr Ad. Water Rights, investigations and purchase of, in connection with administration of national parks, ete.; appropriation 285 285 286 285 285 285 285 286 115 1593 for______________________________ 1795 Water Supply and Purification, amoUll't for work-relief projects_ ______ __ __ __ __ _ I t)Os Waterways Treaty. United States and Great Britain, appropriation for ex- pcnses undcL ___________________ 74 ,131S Watson, Mary Seeley, paymcnt to_ _____ 5t3 Watson, Vesta L., payment of jUrlgmcnt of_______________________________ 1115 Way Cake ('reek, N. J ., examinatiou au- thorized _________________________ _ Weather Burcau. partmellt of. See Agriculture, Dc- 1042