Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/2257

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United States Court for China-Con. enited States commissioner, appoint- ment, duties; compensation; filling of vacancy ____________________ . United States Courts. See also Justice, Department of. Agricultural Adjustment Act, jurisdic- tion of suits for tax refunds _____ _ Review of rulings under _____ - - - __ _ Alaska, District Court deemed a court of United States; status of com- missioners _______________ - - - - __ _ Circuit Court of Appeals, appointment of additional judge for third cir- cuit; filling of vacancy ____


_ Circuit courts of appeals, appellate ju- risdiction, cases arising in Alaska, Virgin Islands, Canal Zone ______ _ Civil suits, where to be broughL _ - - _-_ Suit by stockholder on behalf of cor- poration ________________ - - __ - Court of Claims- Chippewa Indians, Wis., submission of claims to, etc _________ - ___ _ Amendments to pleadings per- mit ted __________ . _____ - ___ _ Cooperative marketing associations, investigation to determine losses by, due to certain grain stabiliza- tion activities; report to Con- gress _______________________ _ Delaware Indians, reference of claims of, to; amendment to limitation on attorney's fees ____________ _ Indians, Oreg., claims of; jurisdic- tion to hear, etc _____________ _ Indian suits; offset of Federal expend- itures; pending claims ______ . __ Klamath and Modoc Tribes and Ya- hooskin Band of Snake Indians, reinstatement of suit of _______ _ Menominee Indians, reference of claims to ____________________ _ Ocean-mail contracts, jurisdiction conferred to determine suits for adj ustments on terminated ____ _ Perth Amboy, N. J., adjudication of clahn _______________________ _ Tlingit and Raida Indians, Alaska, suits authorized to settle claims_ District of Columbia, Supreme Court of, to be known as District Court of the United States for the District of Columbia; jurisdiction, etc., unchanged ____________________ _ Evidence- Admissibility of cortain records, etc., made in regular course of busi- ness.. ______________ . __ -_- __ INDEX. clxxi Pave. 539 1748 760 289 1903 313 1213 1214 1049 1272 1983 1459 801 596 1276 1085 1994 491 388 1921 1561 United States Courts-Continued. Page. Evidence-Continued. Foreign documents, certified by law- ful custodian; authentication by c(>rtificate of consular officer; admissibility __________ . ______ 1563 Testimony of witnesses in foreign countries; issuance of commis- sion; selection of for€ign counseL 1562 Consular officers, disqualification to take testimony, etc., WhelL 1563 Fees; consular, witness, foreign counsel, etc.; payment of _ _ _ _ 1564 Affidavit of inability to pay fet's and costs; payment oL ___ _ 1564 Funds a,-ailable_ _____ _______ 1564 Procedure in taking testimony; reduction to writing; subscrip- tion_______________________ 1563 Consular certification of docu- ment; transmittal to court_ 1563 Regulations for execution, etc., of commissiolls by PresidenL ___ 15tH Federal Power Act; court jurisdiction; review of orders, etc _______ 857,860-862 Illterpleader, bills of, additional juris- diction conferred on district courts_ 1096 Judges. See Judges. Judicial districts. See Judicial Districts. Jurisdiction conferred on, parking, etc., offenses, Military Road, Va______ 1158 Law clerks for district judges, appoint- ment; number; salary___________ 1140 Marshals, duties; power to arrest with- out warrant ___ __ ____ __ _____ ____ 377 Municipal debt readjustments, juris- diction extended to 1940 _________ 1198 Perishable Agricultural Commodities Act, 1930, Amendments, appeals from reparation orders_ ___ _______ 1534 Public buildings, etc., contracts; re- covery suit against payment bond_ 794 Public Utility Holding Company Act of 1935, court jurisdiction; review of orders, etc ___ 821,822,830- -832 ,834 ,835 Real property, sale under order, etc., of; location in different districts; in possession of receiver, etc_ __ _ ____ 159 Private sales; appraisal before COIl- firmation; public notice_ ___ ___ _ HiO Not confirmed if increase offcred_ _ 160 P€llding cases included; exceptions_ 160 Personal property sales; pending cases included; exceptions_ ___ 160 Publication of notices of proposed sales; property in different dis- tricts; pending cases included; excepti(Jlls_ _ _ _ _ ___ ________ ___ 160 Sales by receivers, etc., of banks; ex- ception __ _ ____________ ____ ___ 390