Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/2239

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INDEX. c1iii Secretary of the Treasury. See also Page. Treasury Department. Acting and Special Assistant Treasurer, appointment by_________________ 1237 Adjusted Compensation Payment Act, 1936, regulations by__ ___________ 1099 Agricultural Adjustment Act, refunds of taxes collected under; establish- ment of Board of Review, appoint- ment of personnel by____________ 1748 Anti-Smuggling Act, regulations by _ 518 -520 Payment of awards to informers of violations of customs and naviga- tion laws_____________________ 527 Designation by, of member of marine casualty investigation board______ 1381 Member of- Central Statistical Committee _ ____ _ 498 National Munitions Control Board__ 1082 National Park Trust Fund Board___ 477 Newark, N. J., Act providing for sale of post-office site, repealed _ ______ 1264 Settlem,ent of claims arising from activ- ities of vessels of Coast Guard and Public Health Service, authorized; limitation on amounL___________ 1514 Social Security Act, rules, etc., by_____ 647 Special Mexican Claims Commission- Awards, payment oL______________ 151 Counsel fees, payment of _ __ _______ 150 Virgin Islands, designation by, of ports of eutry; appointment, etc., of customs officers and employees_ __ 1816 Whaling Treaty Act, hunting regula. - tions by _ _ _____________________ 1247 Secretary of War. See also Army; War Department. Alaska Communication System, report by, to Congress, extent and cost of extensions and betterments_ ______ 1305 Determination by, of amount of de- d uctions, enlisted men, etc., for Soldiers' Home maintenance fund__________________________ 1138 Eleventh Olympic Games, Army par- ticipation, etc. , under direction of____________________________ 292 Flood control, etc., investigations under supervision oC_________________ 1570 Member of National Munitions Con- trol Board_____________________ 1082 Mississippi River flood-control project, supervision by __________________ 1508 Walter Reed General Hospital, accept- ance t>.nd jurisdicqon of Ainsworth and Taylor bequests to ________ 110,287 Secret Service Division. See Treasury Department. Securities and Exchange Commission: PaKe. Appropriation for _________ 14 ,23 ,1113 ,1178 Public utility holding companies, regu- lation by. See Public Utility Holding Company Act of 1935. Securities Exchange Act of 1934, Amendments, rules and regulations by____________________________ 1379 Securities Exchange Act of 1934, Amend- ments: Effective dates of provisions__________ 1380 Over-the-counter markets- Accounts and records to be kept by brokers,etc_____. _____________ 1379 Information to be filed periodically by issuer_____________________ 1379 Foreign securities excepted; other exceptions _________________. 1379 Suspension of duty to file under designated circumstances_ __ _ 1379 Mails, etc., use of, by unregistered brokers or dealers_ ____________ 1377 Inducing purchase or sale by fraud- ulent device, etc____________ 1378 Mandamus, issuance of writs oL____ 1379 Misleading statements, liability for __ 1379 Registration, application for; con- tents; effective date_ __________ 1377 Amendments to application; post- ponement of effective date by Commission_ _______________ 1377 Application by broker or dealer to be formed or organized; con- tents; effective date; adoption by successor________________ 1377 Denial or revocation; causes; BUS- pension pending determina- tion__ ____ ___ ___ _____ __ ____ 1378 Withdrawals, terms and condi- tions______________________ 1378 Reports, unreasonable delaying, etc., of___________________________ 1379 Rules and regulations_ _ _ __________ 1379 Penalty provisions_ _________________ 1380 Failure to file required information, etc__________________________ 1380 Prior liabilities not extinguished __ ____ 1380 Status of present registered brokers. etc___. _________________________ 1380 Trading in unlisted securities on na- tional exchanges________________ 1375 Applications; approval; duration of privileges ____________________ 137;' Findiugs by Commission_________ 1375 Obligatiolls imposed_____________ 1375 Applications to cOIltinue trading privileges for securities hereto- fore approved_ _ ______________ 13i7 Powers of Commissioll_____________ 13i7