Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/2220

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• CXXXIV INDEX. President of the United States-Contd. Land conservation and utilizat.ion, sums available for; powers oL ___ _ Member of- Constitution Sesquicentennial Com- mission; appointment of other members____________________ _ Harvard University Tercentenary Commission _________________ _ Northwest Territory Celebration Commission; appointment of other commissioners __________ _ Washington-Lincoln Memorial Get- tysburg Boulevard Commission; appointment of other commis- sioners ______________________ _ National Defense Act, amendment; an- nual call by, of Reserve officers of the combatant arms and Chemical Warfare Service for active duty with Regular Army ____________ _ Naval Academy graduates, appoint- ments as ensigns by ___________ _ Navy officers of the line, designation for performance of aeronautical en- gineering duty only ____________ _ Transfers of, by __________________ _ Neutrality Act- Disposition of seized munitions with approval by _________________ _ Proclamations to be issued by. See Proclamations. Suspension of prohibition against financial transactions _________ _ New York World's Fair, 1939, Inc., invitation to foreign countries to participate____________________ _ Petroleum regulation_______________ _ Proclamations. See Proclamations. Reconstruction Finance Corporation, termination of functions prior to February I, 1937, by proclamation of____________________________ _ Rio Grande, etc., equitable use of waters of; designation of representative for cooperative study______________ _ Projects; construction, operation, etc_ Page. 781 735 1267 511 285 1028 959 323 490 1081 1153 1516 30 1 660 660, 661 San Francisco Bay Exposition, 1939, in- vitation to foreign countries to par- ticipate_ _______________________ 1518 Sweden, invitation to participate in ob- servance of anniversary of first set- tlement of Swedish colonis·os______ 1487 Tennessee Valley Authority Act, Amend- ments- Disposal of unnecessary property sub- ject to approval oL___________ 1076 Reports to be made to_________ 1080,1081 President of the United States-Contd. Testimony of witnesses ill foreign coun- tries, regulations for execution of commissions by _______________ _ Texas Centennial Exposition, invitation to foreign countries to participate_ Tin-plate scrap, exportation of, licenses granted by ____________________ _ Todd, Comdr. Percy, British Navy, presentation of Distinguished Serv- ice Medal by __________________ _ Virgin Islands, submission to, of hills passed over veto of GovernoL ___ _ Whaling Treaty Act, approval of hunt- ing regulations under ___________ _ Wildlife refuges, allocation of fund for acquisitioD oL _________________ _ World Power Conference, invitation to hold meeting in the United States_ World's Poultry Congress, Seventh, in- vitation to meet in United States, 1939 _________________________ _ Presidio of San Francisco Military Reser- vation, Calif., rights-of-way across, granted to State _________________ _ Presque Isle Harbor, Mich., improve- mentauthorized _________________ _ Price Discriminations. See Antitrust A, t of 1914, Amendments. Prince of Wales Island, Alaska, examina- tion for ship canal across__________ _ Printing Act of 1895, Amendments: Annual Reports, times prescribed for furnishing proof to Public Printer; exceptions ____________________ _ Congressional Record- Daily and permanent forms, prepa- ration, etc __________________ _ Distribution; gratuitous copies_____ _ Department of State, for embas- sies, etc., abroad ___________ _ Foreign legations in Washington __ Newspaper correspondents ______ _ Illustrations, maps, etc., insertion of_ Jndexes, preparation oL __________ _ Reservation of unbound copies for Members of Congress, etc., pro- vision repealed _____________ _ Suhscriptions______________ _ Decisions of the Supreme Court, dis- tribution of reports and digests of_ Library of Congress, copies of Go,"ern- ment pUblications to be furnished to ____________________________ _ Distribution of Government publica- tions in exchange for parliamen- tary records, provision repealcd_ Memorial Addresses; preparation; dis- tributioll ______________________ _ 1564 432 1140 1214 1810 1247 383 870 1568 1108 1035 1047 1550 1546 1547 154f1 154f1 154H 154ti 154(\ 154!I 154!1 1549 1550 1550 1545