Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/2206

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cx...~ INDEX. Nevada-Continued. Page. Indians of Fort McDermitt, land re- served for use oL ___________ ._ ___ 1094 Issue of duplicate check to treasurer of, in lieu of lost originaL ___ __ __ _ HIOO Reno, land conveyance to____________ 798 Neversink Creek, N. Y ., examination authorized_______________________ 1592 Neversink River. N . iY., examination authorized_______________________ 1592 Newark, N. J .: Bonded merchandise, intraport move- ment of, by bonded cartmen, etc_ _ 1538 Port Newark Army Base, sale author- ized___________________________ 1557 Post-office site, repeal of Act providing for sale of portion___________ ._ _ __ 1264 New Bedrord Harbor. Mass., improve- ment authorized__________________ 1029 New Boston, Ill., time extended for bridg- ing Mississippi River at____________ 1055 New Buffalo, Mich., harbor examina.tion authorized_______________________ 1046 Newburgh, N. ¥ •• acquisition of land at, for military, etc., purposes, author- ued _________________________ . _ _ _ 1271 Newburyport, Mass., conveyance of por- tion of Newburyport Harbor Light- house Reservation to..____________ 306 New Creek, N. Y ., examination author- ued_____________________________ 1593 New Hampshire: Appropriation for national forest ad- ministration______________ . __ 263, 1438 Flood-control, etc_, compacts, consent of Congress granted to.__ _______ _ 1490 Flood-control projects authorized_ __ __ 1572 Preliminary examination authorized of- Androscoggin River __ ________ _ ___ _ 1938 Rivers, various ___________________ 1592 New Haven Harbor, Conn., improvement authorized_ ________ ___ __ __ ___ ____ 1029 New Jersey: Bridge authorized across Delaware River at- Delaware Water Gap______________ 1252 Phillipsburg_ ____ __ _ _______ ___ ____ 1051 Cape May Lighthouse Reser\'ation, conveyance of portion of, to Lower township of Cape May County __ 308 Delaware River Joint Toll Bridge Com- mission, Pennsylvania and; consent of Congress granted to____ __ _ __ __ 1058 Interstate Sanitation District, consent of Congress granted to creution of_____________________________ 932 Perth Amboy, adjudication of elaim of. 491 Release from accountability for loss of certain Federal property________ 1278 New Jersey-Continued. Page. Rh'er all(ll>arbol' improvements author- ized_ ____ _________ ___ ____ __ 1030 . W:31 Preliminary examinations authorized of- Passaic Rh,er______ __ _ __ ____ __ __ 1:2li.5 Rivers, various ________ IOU, 1042, 15!13 Rum Point Depot site conveyance or exchange with Board of Chosen Freeholders of Atlantic County for lighthouse site__________________ 308 New Mexico: Appropriation for-- Carlsbad Cllverns National Park, ad- ministration, etc ___________ 206, 1792 Carlsbadproject- _________________ 178! Gallup-Shiprock Highway within Navajo Reservation, mainte- nance, etc ________________ 196,1779 Indians, support, etc., of ____ 186, 188, 190, 193,1767,1768,1770,1772,1774,1776 Leasi ng of lands for _ __ __ ____ __ __ 1118 National forest administration ___ 2tl3, 1437 Rio Grande irrigatiOIl project_ ___ 198, 1782 Flood-control projects authorized_ _ ___ 1577 Hot Springs, laud patent to __ _____ _ __ 1192 Interstate oil and gas compact, conslllt of Congress granted to___________ 939 Jemez and Pecos Indian Pueblos, con- solidation of. _ _________________ L)28 Jicarilla Indian Reservation, certain public lands added to school re- serve of_______________________ 1544 Lincoln National Forest, reservations of timber, etc., inland exchanges____ 4') ') Middle Rio Grn nde Consef\'ancy Dis- trict, agreement for maintenance on newly reclaimed Indian lands_ _ Sg7 Navajo Indians, leasing of lands for, funds available_________________ 1765 Preliminary examinations of rivers, etc., authorized _ _ ___ __ ____ ____ ______ 1595 Pueblo Indians- Compensation for loss of land and water rights__________________ 17(14 Compensation to non-Indian claim- ants, lands of. _______ __ ______ 1s3 Land and water rights, slim a\'ailable forpurchase of. _ ________ __ 182, 17tH Release of, from liability for lo,.;s of cer- tain U. S . property loaned to, for National Guard use_ __ __ __ ____ __ 11 ()t~ Rio Grande compact, con,.;ent of Con- gress giw'n to extension of _______ 3:2.) Cniversi!y of, land COIl\-eY:lIIl't' to ____ _ Zuni Indian Resl'f\'atioll, addition to, from Cibola National Forest. __ _ 393