Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/2196

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ex INDEX. Motor Carrier Act, 1935-Continueo. l'uge. Interstate COlUmcree Commission, du- ties and powers_ _______ ____ _____ 5413 Administration; hearings, exceptions to orders; decision_______________ __ 548 Joint boards; proceedings referred to; determination, etc_ __ __________ 548 CrcatiOlI; rules; dccisions________ 549 Hearings_ ______ ___ _____________ 549 PO\n.~rs; notice of proceedings; co- operation with State authori- tips _ __ _ _ ______ __ _________ _ 550 Appeals______ _________________ 550 Employment of experts, etc_ _ ____ 550 Certificate of public convenience and necessity, application for ____ _ ____ 551 Issuance oL __________ ____________ 551 ~rernls and conditiOllS_ _ __ _________ 552 Pel'luits for coutract carriers by motor "ehicle; application for, etc _ _ ____ 552 Dual operation _ _ __ ___ __ ___ ____ ______ 554 Brokerage licenses; requirements, etc __ 554 Certificates, permits, licenses; Sllspcn- !"ion, change, and l'e\'ocation_ _____ 555 Consolidation, merger, acquisition of eontrol; regulations gO\'erning_ __ __ 555 Seeurities, issuance of; provisions appli- cable to____ __ __ ____ ____ _____ ______ 557 Protection of puhlic; security for, insur- ance, etc ______ _____ __ ___ __ __ __ ____ ___ 557 P.a.tes, fares, charges of carriers; regula- tions governing_ __ _______ ________ 558 Tariffs of carriers; filing, printing, in- speetion; restriction; changes_ __ __ 560 Schedules of contract carriers; filing, publishing, etc., regulatiolls_ ____ __ 561 Receipts or bills of lading; provisions applicable to _ _ _ __ ___ ___ ____ ____ 563 Aceounts, records, reports; authority of Commission respecting _ _ _ _ _____ _ 5H3 Orders, notices, service of process_ ___ __ 5ti3 l'nlawfuloperatioll; penalties________ 564 Collection of rates and charges _ _ _____ 5()5 Identification of interstate carriers_ _ __ 5(i6 Ill\'cstigation of motor vehicle sizes, wei~hts, etc ____________________ 566 Separability of provisiollS_ __ ____ ___ __ 567 Effective date______________________ 5U7 Motor Vehicle Liability. See District of Columbia. Mount Desert Island. Maine. added to Acadia National Park_ _ __ __ __ _____ 795 Mount McKinley National Park, Alaska. appropriation for administration, ete_ 207, I7\)3 Mount Pleasant Lighthouse Reservation, S.C•• transfer of, to War Department_ 309 Mount Rainier National Park, Wash., u,ppropriation for administration, etc ___________________________ 208, 1793 Mount Rushmore National Memorial, S. Page. Dak.: Appropriation for expenses of Commis- sion _________ .. ______________ 179, 1760 Sum authorized for completion; COIl- tracts for______________________ 962 Mount Vernon Memorial Highway, Va.: Appropriation for- Highway police, pay, etc. , oL ___ 210,1796 Maintenance, etc ______________ 210 ,1796 Mud River, Ky., l'xumination alltllol'izc<L 1593 Multnomah Channel. Oreg., illlpl'O' -l 'llIen t authorized _ _ ______ __ __ ___ __ ______ 1038 Muncie. Ind., fIoo<l-eontrol proj<·( 't lLllthor- izcu______________________________ 1586 Muncy, Pa., flood-control projeet aut hor- iZl'd _____________________________ 1573 Municipal Debt Readjustments. See Bunkruptey Aet of 1898, Allll'ud- llll'nts. Munitions. Sec Neutrality Act. Muskegon, Mich.: COIl veyance of portion of lighthollse res- en-ation to _____ __ ____ ____ ____ __ 307 Harbor improvement authorizl'd_ _____ 1036 Mutual Service Companies. Sec Puolie l'tility Holding Compan~- Actor 1935. Mycology and Disease Survey, :lppropria- Hon fOL ______________________ 25U, 1434 Mystic River, Mass., improvement au- thorized_ _ _ _______ __________ __ __ _ 1029 N Nanticoke, Pa., flood-control project authorized_ _ __ _____ __ ___ _ ______ __ 1574 Nanticoke River, Md., examination :tu- thorizctL ____________________ ltH2,1043 Napa River, Calif., impro"clllent author- ized __ ___________ ___ _______ _ _____ 1038 Narcotic Farm, Lexington, Ky., !lalllC dmnged to United States Puhlic Ht'alth Sen-icc HOslJitaL __________ 1840 Narcoiics: Bureau of. Son; Tf('a';llr~" D('part Ill('nt. Conn'ntion of H131, appropriation for illlplementillg ___________ . ___

)i). 73, 1316

Impor1t·l's, de., registm.tiou of ____ __ __ 1745 l-l1manifested importation of. SfC Anti-SlUuggling Act. l"se for research, ctc., reeords to he k<'ptof.. _______________________ 1745 Natchez, Miss.: Bridge authoriz.ed across l\Iis;;i~sippi Riverat.. ______________________ lO(j9 Time extended for bridging_ _ _ _ __ ___ 12;)5 National Advisory Committee for Aero- nautics, appropriation for ____ __ ___ _ 13, 57-1. 11 76, lli02 National Airport Corporation, u"\~ of part of Military Road, Va., granted to _ __ 1158