Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/2170

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]xxxiv Interior, Department of-Continued. Puerto Rican Hurricane Relief Commis- sion, fUllctions, etc., transferred to Division of Territories and Island Possessions ____________________ _ Personnel, supervision oL _________ _ Puerto Rico, topographic, etc., surveys in____________________________ _ Rio Grande, canalization project; diver- sion dam construction; transfer of appropriation to _______ - ___

Equitable use of waters of; public land '\\ithdrawal for purposes of _ Salem, Mass., transfer of customhouse to, from Treasury Department ___ _ Salomon, Haym, memorial to, site for.. _ - _____ ---__--------------- Scappoose, Oreg., land patent to _____ _ Shrine Committee, Inc., permits to use parks, etc., D. C _______________ _ Sub-bituminous and lignite coal, certain studies, etc., with respect to, directed ________________ - __

Trucks, quarter-ton to half-ton pick-up, not considered as passenger-carry- ing vehicles; purchase, etc., limita- tions __________________________ _ University of New Mexico, land con- veyance to___________---------- Veterans' Administration beneficiaries, tra,1sfer of funds for ____________ _ Virgin Islands. See Virgin Islands. Vocational education. See Vocational Education. War Minerals Relief Act- Claimants under, not deprived of benefits by failure to file suit or permitting suit to abate _______ _ Review by Secretary upon matters of fact and Dew evidence; awards ___________________ _ Descent of rights of de- ceased claimants; corpora- tions ceasing to exist after filing claim______________ _ Time limit for presenting claim_ Interest included in certain pay- ments under ____________ - _- -__ Wild rice reserves, Minn., establish- ment of additional; administra- tion,etc ______________________ _ Wind Cave National Game Preserve, transfer to ____________________ _ Internal Revenue Bonded Warehouses, establishment, etc., of; regulations __ _ Internal Revenue, Bureau of. See also Treasury Department. Additional deputy commissioner au- thorized_______---------------- INDEX. Page. 320 320 386 961 661 1374 1895 1892 34 1275 1795 659 17 2040 2040 2040 2040 1355 497 383 1961 223 Internal Revenue, Bureau of-Continued. Page. Alcohol, etco, regulation. See :Fedcra.l Alcohol Administration Acto Bituminous coal tax, regulations, etc__ 993 Effecthoe date of tax provisions_____ 1008 Laws applicable to________________ 1005 Concentration of distilled spirits iil bonded warehouses ___________ 223,1834 Cotton, Potato, and Tobacco Acts, transfer of funds to, for completing records under _______ ______ __ ____ 1163 Law violations, sum available for detection alld prosecution of _ _ 223, 1834 Liquor regulation. See Liquor Law Repeal and Enforcement Act; Liquor Tax Administration Act. Payment to certain employees dropped from service and reinstated, etc___ 224 Examination required_ _ _ ___ __ _____ 224 Sums made available for salaries__ __ 224 Potato taxes, regulations, etc. See Po- tato Act of 1935. Processing taxes; returns, etc. See Agricultural Adjustment Act, Amendments. Rice tax payment warrant.s aeceptable in proressing tax payment by Col- lector of. __ ____________________ 47 Social Security Act, collection of taxes under________ .0 ______________ 641,647 Penalty provisions_ _ _ ___ ____ __ ____ 638 Rules and regulations_ _ _ __ ___ ___ 638, 643 Sale of stamps, etc________________ 638 Tax on curriers and employees; regula- tions, etco See Carriers. Tax regulationo See Rc,oellue Ads. Tobacco reeords a,oailable for inspec- tion _________________________ 732,894 Vocational rehabilitation, appropriat ion authorized for ___ _________ __ ____ 633 Witness fees, payment oL _________ 223,1834 International Arbitration. See Interna- tional Obligations. International Astronomical Union, ap- propriation for contribution ____ 1123 , 1316 International Boundary Commission, United States and Mexico: Appropriation authorized_ _ _ _ ___ ___ __ 24 Appropriation for _______________ 74,1317 Construction. of- Lower Rio Grande flood-control projeet__________________ 1318 Rio Grande Diversion Dam_ ___ lti31 Rio Grande rectification project _ 1317 Equitable lls,e of the waters of Rio Grande, et c __ _ _ ____________ 1317 InYl'stigat.ions relating to estab- lishment of Fcdt'ral ZOIlC, etc__ 1318