Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/2160

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lxxiv INDEX. Idaho-Continued. Bear Lake County, timber availahle to citizens oL __________________ . __ Bridge authorized across Snake River, at Lewistol1 ___________ . _____ .__ Craters of the Moon National Monu- ment, elimination of ':!ertain lands frolll_____________________ _ - _ - Pocatello, game managemellt 8upply depot and laboratory, estahli::;h- mentaL__________------------- Preliminary examination authorized of- Rivers, various __________________ _ Spokane River ______________ - _- __ River improvements authorized _____ _ Dlinois: Appropriation for national forest ad- Ilfi.'i 27 1484 HI13 159fi II fi4 1038 ministration ________________ 2fi3,143S Bridge authorized across Mississippi Rh·er, at- Kaskaskia Island_________________ 323 Stites____________________________ 1057 Chicago Riwr, West Fork of South Branch of, portion declart'd 11on- navigable _________________ . ____ 1048 Evanston, cOllveyance of portion of Grosse Point Lighthouse Ht'"en·u - tion to_________________________ 311 Flood control, etc., compacts, consellt of Congress granted to_ __ ________ 1490 Flood-control projects authorized _ ] 580-] :iSH Interstate oil and gas compact, const'nt of Congress grant('d to________ __ 939 Northwest Territory Celehration Com- mission to cooperate with State of_ 511 Oak Park, post office building for _ _ _ _ _ 599 River and harbor improvemellts author- ized_______________________ 1035, 1031; Preliminary examinations author- ized_____________________ ]046, 1[,94 Time extended for bridgillg- Mississippi River, at- East St. Louis _______________ 53fi,12,i4 New Boston____________________ 10,i.'i Stites__________________________ 12;,3 Ohio River, at Shawneetown_ _ _ _ __ _ 10.'i8 Illinois River, flood-control projects au- thorized_________________ 1583,1585,15% Illinois Waterway, Ill. , improvement authorized_______ ______________ ___ 1035 "I'm Alone", Canadian schooner, pay- ment of claim_______ ______________ 55 Immigration, temporary entry of alien participants, Boy Scout Jamboree_ 387, 1] H7 Immigration and Naturalization Service. See also Labor, Department of. Ellis Island hospitals, use of, by Public Health Service ________ . _. _______ 229 EI Paso, Tex., lease of quarters for _ _ _ _ 448 Immigration and Naturalization Service- l 'ugp. Continued. Ereetiull of IlH'lIlorial in Depart llIent of Lahor Buildill~ to OmeNS \yho haw lo~t their lin's on active duty, l'1t'-_ ]:m2 Filipino {'migration from Cuited ~tat('s; application for; transportation, ele., eXlwns('s; contracts a\lthor- ized; rule~, de_________________ 47S Funds a\lt horized _______ . __________ 4i!l l'\ot com:idcred deportatiOlL________ 4ifJ Ikentry of benefieiaries____________ 47fJ Timc lilllitation _______________ . __ _ 47~1 Time extended for making appli- ('ation for bClldits___ _ 14G2 Imperial Council Ancient and Arabic Order of tbe Nobles of the Mystic Shrine. 81'( ' Shrine Convention. Imports: .\grieuIt ural ;\t\jllst ment Aet, amend- llIt'llts atr.. etillg _______________ 7G8 ,773 Liquor, ct(·., importatiolls tax free lim- ited to olle " illt'-ga\loll ___ . _______ 19.ifJ Potat 0 Act of 1U35, provisions alfedillg. _ 792 ~hillgles, limit at ion of illtport tit iun of, froUl Call ada by Executive ort!el· _. _ 174fi Improved, Benevolent, and Protective Order of Elks of the W orld, u.~e (If parks, cte., during session in Di~trict of ColllmhilL ____ ._. _ .. ___________ .. Inaugural Ceremonies of 1937: Appropriatioll for .Joillt Committee Oll __

\Iailltell:UH'o of puhlic order-

J\pproprial ion for; rt'gulat iOltS h:- · Conlluissioners, D. C __ _ __ __ . _ Li('t'ns('s to \"l'lldors; fpes; pt:,di'·:l- tion of regulations _________ _ Penalt ips ______________ . ___ ___ Hes('fYations in the Di8trict of ('0 - lllmhia- Permits for usc authorized; eowlit illll_ Erpetion and sllperYi:-doll of I'tiulIl,,; overhead ('olldlletor.o;_ -- t.- Loan of Army amI l\ln-y (111:!' - menL _____________ ._ Temporary ('xt('1l8ion of tl'kgmph. etc., wire:> _________________ _ Income Tax: Aceollntinp; periods and methods- Alloeatioll of ineome and dl'duetion:L Change of. ______________________ _ Dcfinitions ______________________ _ Gell('ral rule _____________________ . In~talhll('llt ba.<;is ______ ._ _ . _. _____ _ Period fOI' \y hieh dedlld ions and cfl'ciit~; takcll ___________ . _. _. ___ P('riod ill whieh itPlllS (If gross ineome illelllded ___________________ . __ Returns for a period of less than t\\"eh·e lllOllths _______________ _ l,i!I!1 I :--:!.-, ] :--:.!Ii lIIf1i ]1,liS llitif/ 1 (Hit) HiHi lfili6 ]li66 ltiG8