Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/2133

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INDEX. xlvii Deficiency Act, Fiscal Year 1936, First- Page. Continued. Appropriation for-Continued. Navy Department-Continued. Navy, increase of the ___________ _ Secretary's Office_ - _____ --__-__ _ Supplies and Accounts, Bureau of_ Yards and Docks, Bureau of ____ _ Northwest Territory Celebration Commissioll _________________ _ Patrick Henry Bicentenllial __ - ___ _ _ Post. Office Department _. _ _ - __ -_-_- _ Chief Inspector, Office of _______ _ First Assistant Postmaster General, Office of __________________ _ Fourth Assistant Postmaster Gen- eral, Office oL _____________ _ Postmaster General, Office of____ _ Second Assistant Post.master Gen- eral, Office oL _____________ _ Radlroad Retirement Board _______ _ Relief and Work Relief. See Emer- gency Relief Approl>l"iation Act of 1936. Rurn.l Electrification Administratioll_ Smithsonian Institution ___________ _ Social Security Board ____________ _ State, Department. oL ____________ _ Foreign Service ________________ _ International obligations, otc____ _ Tariff Commission _______________ _ Tennessee Valley Authority _______ _ Thomas Jefferson Memorial Commis- ~on ________________________ _ Treasury Department____________ _ Budget, Bureau of the __________ _ Coast Guard __________________ _ Customs, Bureau of___________ _ Internal Revenue, Bureau of ____ _ Mint, Bureau of the ____________ _ Printing, Division oL __________ _ Procurement Division-Public Buildings Branch __________ _ Public Health Service __________ _ Secretary, Office oC ____________ _ Vnited States Constitution Sesqui- centennial Commission _______ _ War Department ________________ _ Adjutant General's Department- _ Military Academy _____________ _ National Board for Promotion of 1629 1627 1628 1628 1603 1600 1629 1629 1630 1630 1629 1630 1603 1604 1604 1604 1630 1631 1631 1607 1607 1607 1635 1636 1637 1636 1636 1637 1636 1638 1637 1635 1599 1640 1640 1641 Rifle Practice_______________ 1641 Ordnance Department_ ____ ______ 1641 Panama CanaL _________________ 1641 Quartermaster Corps_ _______ 1640, 1641 Advanee payments, under Legislative Appropriation Act, 1933, period of availability for obligation________ 1648 Deficiency Act, Fiscal Year 1936, First- Page. Continued. Restriction 011 designated agencies in- curring obligations after June 20, 1937. except pursuant to annual appropriation_____ _______ _____ __ 1647 Soil Conservation and Domestic Allot- ment Act, availability of slims with respect to land devoted to growing trees for production of gum turpen- tiue and gum rosin_ _____________ 1648 Delano, Frederic A., reappointment of, as member of Board of Regents, Smith- sonian Institutioll_______ __________ 542 Delaware: COlllage commemorating anniversary of landing of Swedes in, authorized__ 1352 Delaware Breakwater Range Rear Lighthouse Reservation, convey- ance of, to_____________________ 305 River a.nd harbor improvements, au- thorized ___________________ 1030 ,1031 Delaware and Raritan Canal, N. J ., exam- ination authorized __ _ _____________ 1041 Delaware Bay: Ha.rbor of Refuge, improvement author- ized___________________________ 1031 Inland waterway improvement, Reho- both Bay to____________________ 1031 Delaware Indians, reference of claims of, to Court of Claims, amendment to limitation 011 attorney's feos________ 1459 Delaware River: Bridge authorized across, at- Barryville, N. Y . -Shohola, Pa_______ 1531 Easton, Pa.- Phillipsburg, N. J __ _ _ _ _ to:> 1 Hancock-Buckingham, N. Y __ _____ 1532 Examinations authorized____ 1042, 1592, 1593 Improvement authorized_____________ 1030 Inland waterway to Chesapeake ~.ay _ 1030 Joint Toll Bridge Commission, bddge construction authorized at Dela- ware WaterGap________________ 1252 COllsent of Congress granted to com- pact between Pennsylvania and New Jersey_______ __ __ __ ___ ___ 1058 Delaware Valley Tercentenary: Commission established; appointment, etc___________________________ _ Sum authorized for expenses _______ _ Invitation to Sweden to participate ___ _ Delaware Water Gap, bridge across Dela- 1487 1487 1487 ware River authorized 801- __ __ _ __ __ _ 1252 DeLeon Springs, Fla., examination of waterway to Saint Johns River au- thorized_ _________________________ 1044 Denison Reservoir, Tex., euntiuuatiun of survey___________________________ 1596